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Re: Changing how we handle non-free firmware

Simon Josefsson dijo [Tue, Aug 23, 2022 at 07:57:36PM +0200]:
> > I find that if I assume the DSC points are unordered, and numbered only
> > for reference, then there's sentences in there that support the offering
> > of official images including firmware by default, even while considering
> > the iso as a Debian component.
> Interesting, can you explain quoting the text supporting that?

Simon, while the topic we are discussing is clearly divisive and close
to the heart for many of us, we should try to keep the debate as civil
as possible.

No, you didn't insult anybody. But there are ways of saying the same
without raising the confrontational threshold.

Phil's text reflects on his personal opinions and reading angles ("I
find that if I assume..."). You could probaby say "I cannot find the
same meaning you propose, even while reading the items with random
ordering" or something like that, and it would feel
less... Aggressive.


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