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Re: exif --remove not idempotent, and a Debian man page bug

David Wright wrote:

>>>> See the first post ...
>>> The OP didn't contain any exif output, only a couple of
>>> command lines, apparently written in zsh shell
>> Look again!
> Look at it? I'll quote it in full (attached).

Look more, quote less ...

    <incal> for f in **/*.jpg; do exif --remove -o $f $f; done | grep 'Wrote
            file' | wc -l # 2277 (1st invocation)
    <incal> for f in **/*.jpg; do exif --remove -o $f $f; done | grep 'Wrote
            file' | wc -l # 2277 (2nd invocation)

> Please—there's no malicious content in the man page.

Yeah, and that makes sense. I heard of an initiative to add
support for fake news to Emacs Gnus. Cool, but to have it in
the man pages? Not only are they relied upon for practical
purposes every day literally all over the world, they are also
iconic, almost, so associated and in a positive way with Unix
and everything it stands for.

You are aware the OpenBSD people always brag they have the
best documentation?

Maybe they do, it's hard to say, but clear cases like this
should just be pruned immediately so at least they have to
earn it ...

> The attribution was true at the time it was written, and is
> clearly dated. If the author had given a street address

Haha, what? :P street address? ??? I refer to the
EMAIL address!

underground experts united

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