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Re: Tips/advice for installing latest version of fzf?

"sudo which hash" shows nothing. Not sure whey.

sudo is an external program, which launches other external programs.

When you type "sudo which hash", your shell (zsh) forks a child, and
that child executes "sudo".  sudo does its authentication/authorization
dance, and then executes "which hash", looking for an external command
in $PATH.  It will find /usr/bin/which, and it will run that.

So effectively, you're running sudo /usr/bin/which hash.

/usr/bin/which, being an external program, has no concept of shell
builtins.  It can only look for other external programs.  And there is
no program named hash.  Only shell builtins.

You would get a similar non-answer if you ran "/usr/bin/which hash"
in your shell.  The sudo part doesn't change anything, since there are
no directories in $PATH that require superuser privileges to search.
At least, there shouldn't be.

OK, got it. I never knew this. Lots of nuances to all this stuff. That's what keeps it interesting, I suppose. Thanks!

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