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Re: Tips/advice for installing latest version of fzf?

On Tue, Aug 31, 2021 at 10:58:12AM -0400, Steve Dondley wrote:
> However, "which fzf" reports the /usr/bin as the location:
> /usr/bin/fzf
> I'm using zsh.

unicorn:~$ zsh
greg@unicorn ~ % type which
which is a shell builtin

Zsh is caching the old location, and because "which" is a shell builtin
in your shell, it's reporting the cached value.

In bash, which is *not* a shell builtin -- it's a separate program,
/usr/bin/which.  So, using "which" from bash would have reported the
wrong thing in this situation.  Just FYI.

(tl;dr: use type, not which)

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