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Re: No GRUB with brand-new GPU

Michael Stone composed on 2020-12-30 08:56 (UTC-0500):

> On Tue, Dec 29, 2020 at 10:58:38PM -0500, Felix Miata wrote:

>>So people are supposed to discard or replace their older external devices just
>>because something else came along that may or may not actually be as well suited
>>to task?

> Basically, yes.

Must be nice to have an unlimited money supply, and be a happy conforming member
of throwaway society. If it was good enough before, it should be good enough until
it breaks. Waste not, want not.

> Who cares what the device names are? If you're hard coding device names 
> instead of something intrinsic to the media it's a self-inflicted wound.

Where does this presumption of hard coding come from? I like short names, eth0
rather than enp5s0 in an environment with only one or two such devices, sda rather
nvme0n1 when running hdparm -t or trying to explain device enumeration to a n00b.
Likewise I hate change for the sake of change, and name changes, e.g. Goldstar
changing to LG, KSnapshot changing to Spectacle, RCA disappearing into GE, GTE and
Bell Atlantic disappearing into Verizon, AT&T Broadband changing to Comcast,
Datsun -> Nissan, SCSI applied to *ATA devices.

>> I still prefer floppies

> That's frankly nuts--floppies were slow and unreliable 25 years ago and 
> haven't improved with age. If you value nostalgia over any rational 
> criteria that's fine for you, but they aren't relevant to most of 
> humanity.

Again you stripped context. Managing media is a component of most backup systems.
Labeling is an integral component of such management, as is storage of the media.
I've yet to see a USB stick storage system that accommodates either labeling or
physical storage of the wide variety of stick shapes and sizes, quite unlike
floppies and OM. Shrinking media has downsides. Junk accumulates according to the
amount of space available for it to fill. This applies to videos, mp3s and other
data. Not everything new constitutes only improvement.

Some people don't like fixing what ain't broke, keeping out of landfills perfectly
usable stuff, preserving the environment as best they can, seemingly a dying breed.
Evolution as taught in public schools, like religion,
	is based on faith, not on science.

 Team OS/2 ** Reg. Linux User #211409 ** a11y rocks!

Felix Miata  ***  http://fm.no-ip.com/

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