Re: spurious CR/LF on tty (was: how to remove GUI)
On Sat 12 Sep 2020 at 21:45:34 (+1000), David wrote:
> On Sat, 12 Sep 2020 at 05:18, Felix Miata <> wrote:
> > Greg Wooledge composed on 2020-09-11 11:42 (UTC-0400):
> > > I only mention it because once in a while, someone sees something like
> > > it and freaks out, thinking the computer is locked up or whatever. They
> > > don't realize they can just hit the Enter key and get a fresh login
> > > prompt, and all is fine.
> >
> > I have too many installations to keep track of which exhibit this nuisance or not,
> > but I'm guessing most if not all Buster and Bullseye do it, and maybe even Stretch
> > & Jessie, which I'm rarely booting any more.
> And regarding "just hit the enter key ... and all is fine", this
> behaviour does not just occur at a login prompt. If you login quickly
> as root to a minimal install as I often do, this behaviour occurs
> during root console use, and if one is half-way through typing a
> command which suddenly disappears from view, pressing enter could be a
> recipe for disaster.
> (eg dd before I have added the count= parameter).
> So my habit when it occurs has become to: ctrl-u, enter, ctrl-y.
I use a different technique when I type commands that I consider
"dangerous" (and dd is always that):
I type the command starting with # and, when I've finished,
double-check it. Then I press <Return>, recall it with ↑, and
press <Home>, <Space>, <Delete>, <Return> to execute it, which
also avoids the unprotected line ending up in the history stack.
> Between that and kernel messages barfing into the terminal text, it's
> a pretty shitty user-experience that is embarrassing when observed by
> users of any other OS.
(FWIW I've always expected a VC to behave like a console.)
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