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Re: installer defaults for desktops (was Re: Suggested edit)

On Thu, Mar 23, 2017 at 11:07:22AM +0100, Mart van de Wege wrote:
> I disagree. Sometimes there is no disagreement, someone is just plain
> wrong. Catherine has been given the use cases that disprove her thesis,
> and has been contradicting herself.

Catherine's *suggestion* has been shot down for causing problems for some
use-cases; but the problem she wants to address still exists and is still in
need of a solution. I see very little interest here in people actually
addressing the problem (except Catherine); just a lot of "Get off my
lawn"-style posts, and a propensity of people to misprepresent *their* opinion
with that of the project as a whole.

> if they insist on not wanting to be educated

Interestingly that's exactly how I'd characterize most of the responses *to*
Catherine; deaf ears to the problem, due to dissatisafaction with a proposed

> at a certain point you must simply wash
> your hands of them. It's not nice, but it *is* constructive.

"Washing your hands" is deleting the thread and moving on; it's not posting
aggressive, toxic messages.

⣾⠁⢠⠒⠀⣿⡁ Jonathan Dowland
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