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Re: Joey Hess is out?

On 11/17/2014 at 10:06 AM, Christian Seiler wrote:

> Am 2014-11-17 15:54, schrieb The Wanderer:
>> On 11/17/2014 at 08:21 AM, Martin Read wrote:

>>> A default Debian jessie configuration has persistent text logs
>>> in /var/log written by rsyslog, and *volatile* binary logs in 
>>> /run/log/journal written by systemd-journald. Removing the
>>> binary logs completely disables functionality of the systemd
>>> suite which an administrator familiar with systemd would expect
>>> to be present by default.
>> This is news to me, and mildly disturbing.
>> I recall having previously seen it stated, repeatedly, that Debian
>> by default does not store binary logs at all even when running
>> under systemd - that they exist only in memory, and that the actual
>> log data is stored only in text-log-file format via forwarding to
>> rsyslog.
> Note: /run is a tmpfs, i.e. it's stored in memory.

That probably explains the seeming conflict between the statements, but
there's still a difference between data being "kept in memory" and
"written to a file which is stored in memory".

Part of what I found reassuring about the statements that Debian's
default systemd configuration stores the journal's binary logs only in
memory was the idea that it would not be (needing to) write the log data
separately to the binary format, or possibly even do some of the related
processing; it could just use the binary format in-memory (i.e. in its
own process space), and output only in the traditional text form.

If it actually does write the binary format to file, even in a tmpfs or
the like, then that eliminates a lot of what I found reassuring about
those reassurances.

   The Wanderer

The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one
persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all
progress depends on the unreasonable man.         -- George Bernard Shaw

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