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Fwd: PXE install, without internet?

[frwding to the liist, sent by mistake only to Scott]

Thanks for everything. I have observed that a few packages are being downloaded
from the internet. They maybe the security packages and updates released after
package the iso. ( I have imported the packages from the iso )

Now taking all this to a new level, is there a way to mirror official
debian ftp repositories
like debian main, debian security, debian updates etc on the
apt-cacher-ng database,
and maybe update those repositories once twenty days?

> Leave the slash off e.g.:-
> d-i mirror/http/proxy
>> ###
>> It should work right?
> Now it will :)

I will test the preseed and let you know whether its working or not!
I am taking some days off from the college for a well deserved holiday.

> TFTP doesn't handle more than about 100 simultaneous installations - the
> solution there is to use GPXE (which also allows greater flexibility
> with the location of the server) - and use http instead of tftp. For
> more than 1000 simultaneous installs I'd suggest GPXE with http via slamd.

There are only 20 PCs in the lab that I am trying to manage.
So that shouldn't be a problem right?

When I boot the PCs and escape to boot menu, I select network from
list of devices to boot
from and after the PC stucks on finding the PXE server.

When I try to restart the tfpt-hpa service from the service, the
service never starts sometimes.

I am not able to find out the real pattern as to when the tftp server
stops working.

Sometimes just restarting the isc-dhcp-server service on the server
will solver the issue, and sometimes
restarting the dhcp service wont help.

>> Thanks for all your support! I finally got the apt-cacher-ng part working.
> I love apt-cacher-ng (we're just good friends, 'really'). Apt-cacher and
> squid are also good for the same thing - but apt-cacher-ng has much
> lower resource requirements. Glad to hear it's all working for you. When
> it comes to administering all those boxes you might also find Steve
> Kemps debian-admin site interesting:-
> http://debian-administration.org/

Thanks for the website, maybe one day I will be telnet-ing or ssh-ing
to the same PXE
server that I have setup and will be installing so many packages
together on so many machines at the same
time right from my bed. :)

Anubhav Yadav
Imperial College of Engineering and Research,

Anubhav Yadav
Imperial College of Engineering and Research,

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