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Re: Movemail not getting emails

Paul Cartwright put forth on 11/8/2010 7:54 PM:

>>   http://dnspark.com/
> I liked that. looked professional.. CHEAP..  gets my vote!

Looks hard to beat.  $8.95/domain per year.  However, I'd be concerned
with this:

"Excess queries are billed based on actual usage monthly. The price is
calculated by using the the largest group of queries possible and
rounded to the nearest million. For example, if 21,538,000 queries were
used in a single month, the overage charge would be $85. (10 million
extra at $48, 5 million extra at $26, and 2 million at $11)"

If this is legit, you have no worries Paul, as your query volume would
never reach 1 mil/month and the baseline is 5 mil/month.  However, if
this outfit is shady, they can simply fabricate query numbers and charge
you whatever they want.  I'm not saying this is the case, but it's a
possibility.  You may want to try to find some reputation on this
outfit.  They're considerably cheaper than the competition--may be a
reason for that.  Again, if they're totally above board, it'd be hard to
go with someone else based on price and features.


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