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Re: qemu or qemu-kvm for kvm in squeeze

On 3/8/2010 3:08 PM, Martin Kraus wrote:
On Mon, Mar 08, 2010 at 11:31:54AM -0600, Mark Allums wrote:
This is a better question, and will get better replies.  My replies
were general, and you had something specific in mind.  It pays to be
specific.  I can tell you about virt tech, though in my
scatterbrained way, I will misuse the terminology.  But, I am not as
familiar with QEMU w.r.t. *Debian*.  I should have let someone else

I still say, use Virtualbox instead.

Hi. I have been wondering what is the difference between qemu and qemu-kvm
packages for kvm virtualization. Manual page in qemu packages shows, that
it should be able to work with kvm. Uncle google is silent about this.

This seems pretty specific to me. I have asked what is the difference between
qemu and qemu-kvm for kvm virtualization. Both support kvm and both are based
on qemu 0.11.1 so I wanted to know what is the difference.

I'm not really sure that virtualbox is the right thing for a server. I'm not
much sure about kvm+qemu either, but xen just keeps crashing so there isn't
much I can do about it.


Sorry, there is some (more) confusion. I was referring to the original post, which seemed to me to be about a completely different topic.

There is always vmware ESX; consider it. Have you used vbox? It is a less sophisticated product than some server virtualizations, but I have never had it crash. (I hate very much to mention it, but if Windows Server 2008 R2 is even of the remotest possibility, MS's Hyper-V works pretty well.)

Are you committed to QEMU? Vserver kernels are specifically for server roles.

In short, there are lots of choices for Debian beside QEMU.  Consider them.


I don't think there is a significant difference between the two packages anymore; you can choose which to use based on convenience rather than performance.


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