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Re: mounting error USB stick

Florian Kulzer on 27/02/08 22:01, wrote:
On Wed, Feb 27, 2008 at 10:01:54 +0000, Adam Hardy wrote:


On Sun February 24 2008, Adam Hardy wrote:
Using xfce, Thunar used to pick up on the new usb storage device and put an
icon in its tree pane for me with the usb stick's name. Clicking on that
would then mount it to /media


So hal is actually meant to mount the usb stick automatically? Not just show an
icon in thunar? How about CDs?

I don't know that; I guess that depends on the "philosophy" of
xfce/thunar. To the normal user it probably does not matter exactly
when the mounting happens, as long as he/she can click on the icon at
any time and access the media.

My philosophy is that I never remember that it's /dev/sda1 on this machine because my memory is, er... what's the word again ....

Generally when copying stuff to a usb stick, I use the command line. So I would appreciate automatic mounting of my usb stick to /media/somewhere. Except that this 'automation' involves going from the command line into thunar or the desktop and clicking to get it mounted.

For the test I did with the other user, you guessed correctly that I didn't add the user to the plugdev group.

Do you run hal and does it mount usb sticks and cds automatically?


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