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Re: GNOME: Associate multiple queues with one printer: HOW?

Douglas A. Tutty wrote:
On Wed, Sep 26, 2007 at 01:06:06PM -0500, Mike McCarty wrote:
As I said, I'm going to try using the direct CUPS I/F tonight
when I go over there. At present, I'm about 15 miles from
the computer, so it's problematic to try stuff out :-)

Have you considered a dial-up modem and setting up mgetty with auto-ppp?
Then you can dial-in to get a CLI or ppp in and do ssh -X and run her X

The thought has rattled around in the back of my brain a couple
of times. We'd need two modems, of course. It just seems like
any given problem is easier to handle when I go over there.
I regularly am there on Wed night and over weekends. So...

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