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Re: Poor Xorg performance in Etch

Douglas A. Tutty wrote:

Two things:  it appears that Xorg isn't multi-threaded, and that there
is a problem.  I don't know how to fix it.

Does the problem happen with Konqureror or iceweasel as well or only
with iceape?

Konqueror has almost identical symptoms, though slightly less severe.

  Do you need the all-in-one-mega-app approach of iceape or
would Konq or iceweasel work for you?

I wish it were that easy to resolve. At this point it seems independent of the graphics hardware but related to web browsing and images (and not plugins, java or javascript). I can't rule out other X apps at this point. I've tried various browser configuration settings. Nothing unusual appears in the system logs or boot up messages. I will try a stripped down kernel and/or run a mirror of the system on another motherboard to eliminate most hardware related issues. My guess is that I will find the problem this way and it will not turn out to be a user-space software issue.

If that doesn't isolate the problem, however, then I probably take a look at the libraries. Except for debian-multimedia and custom kernels, all binaries pass a debsums check against the latest debian archive. The following command lists the libs that are common to both Iceape and Konqueror:

$ echo "`apt-cache depends iceape-browser|grep ' lib'`"+"`apt-cache depends konqueror|grep ' lib'`"|sort|uniq -d
  Depends: libc6
  Depends: libfontconfig1
  Depends: libgcc1
  Depends: libjpeg62
  Depends: libpng12-0
  Depends: libstdc++6
  Depends: libx11-6
  Depends: libxcursor1
  Depends: libxext6
  Depends: libxft2
  Depends: libxi6
  Depends: libxinerama1
  Depends: libxrandr2
  Depends: libxrender1
  Depends: libxt6

Of these, the ones that look like they could be related to browser images are libjpeg62, libpng12-0, libxinerama1, libxrandr2 and libxrender1. None are debian-multimedia replacements. There was a big library upgrade a couple days ago but I've already overwritten my daily backup so I can't easily revert.

If and when I locate the problem I'll post the resolution here.

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