On 7/8/07, Brad Rogers <brad@fineby.me.uk> wrote:
> Even if GSpace is discontinued, I can download the uploaded data by
> accessing my gmail account. So, for a secondary backup, apart from
> backups on cd/dvd, it will do for me. And I cannot anticipate on
> Google (dis)continuing gmail etc. For the unlikely case that my house
Not GMail, but they can disable the GSpace plugin, and (possibly) easy
access to files other than mail. It's those issues that cause me
concern. It takes away my control of the data.
Even if the GSpace plug-in will be disabled, I still have access to my data.
To me GSpace is no more than a very handy tool to send messages with
an attachment to myself (ie: using my gmail account to send mail to the
same gmail account) accompanied by some meta data GSpace uses itself.
Everything GSpace uploads appears as a normal e-mail (empty) with an
attachment in my Inbox: the file GSpace uploaded. I really don't need
GSpace to download that attachment but it's more much comfortable using
GSpace than a mail client. But even without GSpace I have access to my
account by simply logging in at
gmail.google.com. Then I can then open the
appropriate e-mail and simple download the attachment - et voilà.
So for me, there's nothing to be worried about. The only thing of concern
could be Google discontinuing GMail or maybe discarding all my mail. But
I don't think that's likely to happen very soon.
Greetings, Manon.