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Re: getmail configuration (How to run fetchmail as daemon at startup)

On 2007-03-26 17:49:38 -0600, Paul E Condon wrote:
> Also, I was unconvinced by the reasoning of several posters that
> they use fetchmail and have never been bothered by losing email: If
> I were losing email, how would I know? [...]

If you don't receive anything, this may be an indication. FYI, when
I tried fetchmail for the first time, I lost all my mail that was
retrieved by fetchmail. I immediately switched to getmail (though
it is written in Python) and never went back to fetchmail.

> Anyway, others who were also frightened by the bad things said about
> fetchmail can try my recipe for moving to getmail but keeping exim,
> procmail, and spamassassin.

BTW, I also lost mail due to procmail. Twice. This was because of
typos in my procmailrc, e.g. a missing backslash at the end of a
line. Though procmail detected a problem with the syntax, it ignored
the incorrect lines instead of putting the mail back in the queue.
After the second time, I wrote a small procmailrc checker[*] (based
on heuristics), automatically called during a "svn commit". I did
other mistakes, but they were all found by my procmailrc checker.
Now, I still don't like the way procmail works (in particular, LOG
is used for two different things -- a really bad design), but I use
it for "historical reasons".

[*] http://www.vinc17.org/unix/#pmchecker

I also lost mail due to spamassassin (well, I could retrieve it
in my junk mailbox, hoping I didn't miss any important message),
because the version in Debian/stable was out-of-date.

Vincent Lefèvre <vincent@vinc17.org> - Web: <http://www.vinc17.org/>
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Work: CR INRIA - computer arithmetic / Arenaire project (LIP, ENS-Lyon)

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