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Re: OT: sponge burning!

Am 2007-03-19 12:38:52, schrieb Ron Johnson:
> It's a *hell* of a lot cheaper to *buy* it at $50/bbl than it is to
> invade Iraq.  That's why we prop up dictators.

You are an asholem because before Sadam Husseing took over the power
in Irak, the Irak was forced by the USA (and there friends) to sell
the galone for 3 US$  which was a thenth of the International price.

The USA has fold the "old" Irak.

The Sadam Husseing came into the game and used the official
international price of pertol... 30 US$/Gal

Now, eack year we have lesser and lesser Pertol and the USA want
more and more...  Refuse the use of renewable Energies unlike
European countries and wast resources with Cars which consuming
5 and more Gallones per 100 Miles (over 12 liter in 100km)

If I was in the USA, no one of the Cars had consumed less then
5-6 Gal/100Miles...

> If Saddam had "only" been happy to grow fabulously wealth selling
> metric yatta-assloads of oil, *none* of this would have happened.

For your profit?

The prices is "Angebot" (Supply) and "Nachfrage" (Inquiry)

> But no.  Ha had to get extra greedy, and then megalomaniacal
> thinking he could unite all the Arabs.

So what do the "Arabs" do, if they sell the Petrol UNDER price for
the USA and then in maybe 10 years we will have no Petrol anymore?


There is nothing in most arabic countires which can realy exported.
So the ARABIC WORLD will be transformed by the WESTERN WORLD in a
very BIG SLUM!

Paying the (OPEC) Members a real price for the Petrol will result in
a more stable World like in Irak (1993-2003) which went destructed by
the USA and alies.

The USA and alies create ther OWN ENEMIES and NOT TERRORISTS since the
methods of the WESTERN WORLD is EXPLOITATION and TERROISM against the
rest of THE WORLD.

Thanks, Greetings and nice Day
    Michelle Konzack
    Tamay Dogan Network
    Debian GNU/Linux Consultant

Linux-User #280138 with the Linux Counter, http://counter.li.org/
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