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Re: OT: sponge burning!

Am 2007-03-18 19:57:32, schrieb Paul Scott:
> If I'm not mistaken "we" killed far more innocent men and women and
> children just bombing into Iraq than any "terrorists" have killed so far.

At a quick research in my Database about Terroism, they are arround
9600 peoples killed in terrorist attacks (Istanbul, Casablanca, Madrid,
Mali, New Zork and London excluded, - since they are pooved that they
are not muslim attacs) in the last 40 years.

The US-Militaries and BC's plus alies have killed in IRAK between 700000
and 1.3 million Irakies amd in AFGHANISTAN between 120000 and 286000.

And now peoples call muslims Terroists?

> What is naive is to think these wars are about religion and terrorists. 


> As long as the US dollar is so connected to oil people like Bush and
> friends will continue using terror as an excuse to do what they are doing.

You seems to me one of those (american?) peoples
having more brain and knowledge then others.

> Paul Scott

Thanks, Greetings and nice Day
    Michelle Konzack
    Tamay Dogan Network
    Debian GNU/Linux Consultant

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