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Re: How to: Mount NTFS filesystems RW

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Dennis G. Wicks wrote:
> Greetings;
> I am dual booting my desktop and most everything is working fine.
> But, I can't get to my Win 2k disks unless I am logged on as root.
> The arg line in fstab specifies rw, but they are mounted ro for root
> only! Note: since Windows is not running they aren't smb or exported.
> I really don't like to run as root because I make a lot of typos, some of
> which could be disastrous!
> Here is what happens: (Notice I am root right now.)
>    /dev/hda1 on /cdrv type ntfs (rw,uid=0,gid=100)
>    root@dgwicks:/# chmod a+rx /cdrv
>    chmod: changing permissions of `/cdrv': Read-only file system
>    root@dgwicks:/#
> And everything is still 400 or 600. Nothing changes.
> Any suggestions??
> Many TIA!
> Dennis
As others have suggested you might want to try ntfs-3g, but I can
explain why only root can see the files. The uid=0 is setting it to root
only access.  Change it to uid=1000 or whatever id that your user has,
or just remove it (and the gid as well).  This line will work (in

/dev/hda1 /cdrv ntfs  auto,users,exec,ro,umask=0 0       0

without ntfs-3g and give you read only access to it, which is the safest
way.  Note the auto,users,exec,ro,umask=0

That means, automount the partitions, allow users to use it and make it
read and execute (if it were rw, then it would also allow writing).

Personally, I don't recommend even using ntfs partitions at all.

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