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Re: Attracting newbies

Douglas Allan Tutty wrote:
> On Tue, Feb 06, 2007 at 10:12:01PM -0600, Ron Johnson wrote:
>> On 02/06/07 21:56, Douglas Allan Tutty wrote:
>>> That I'm the only one left on the planet with a printer that right now
>>> can't print ps even with gs-esp.  Its a mechanical problem with the
>>> printer.  Its 26 years old.
>> Geez, what is it?  A C.Itoh Gorilla Banana?  A Diablo 630?  An LA50?
> You know the marketing picture for the origional IBM PC, with the big
> clunky monitor, the PC box, and the printer?  That's it.  An IBM
> Personal Computer Graphics Printer.  It _will_ print postscript (it
> thinks its an ML-370 I think), but the little twiddle knob that turns
> the ribbon is broke.  To print, I have to twiddle the knob on the
> ribbon.  Its bad enough for plain text that prints one line per second
> (one page per minute), but graphis print at about 20 minutes per page.
> Gives one blisters on the thumb and finger involved.
>>> I just read the policy manual and other than packages _must_ provide a
>>> man page, debian is moving towards all documentation being in html.
>> That's a good thing.  Hypertext is too useful.  And all the Debian
>> html docs are console-friendly.  Too many of the DDs are CLI fans to
>> be otherwise.  And most upstream docs are text-heavy also.  
> I agree.  So if we want html that we can package up outside of a wiki we
> need a home for it.  And I need to learn html or something.
> Doug.
I know HTML, so I can cover us in that department. Ooh, and I know plain
text too!

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