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Re: Social Contract

Marc Shapiro wrote:
Mike McCarty wrote:

Greg Folkert wrote:

[If you] HATE the GPL so much, why are you using SO MUCH GPL'd software? Or
licenses similar to the GPL, such as the Mozilla License that
Thunderbird is released under.

I use it because I got a contract, and was requested to use Linux.
That's why it's on my machine.

But, IIRC, your contract is over. So get rid of the OS that runs so

You do recall correctly.

totally against your ideas of social order. Oh, wait, you put Debian

Inertia. It does what I want. Furthermore, OSs do not and cannot
violate ideas of social order. They are pieces of software, for
goodness' sake. The software itself does not have any agenda, save
for loading applications and allowing them to interface to hardware
in a portable manner.

GNU/Linux on your girlfriend's machine and you are here to get help supporting her computer. Why did you put an OS on her machine that, according to you, hampers her freedom?

First, I did not put it on her computer, she did. Second, what
got loaded onto her computer was *her* choice, not mine. I wouldn't
presume to tell her what to load. Third, I do not and have not
claimed ever that Linux+GNU hamper anyone's freedom. How can an OS
hamper anyone's freedom? It seems an impossibility to me.

This message made from 100% recycled bits.
You have found the bank of Larn.
I can explain it for you, but I can't understand it for you.
I speak only for myself, and I am unanimous in that!

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