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Re: VMWare Server and Kernel? [u]

    I've ran VMWare Workstation 5 for some time now and it has the same
requirement. If you're running Debian stable this is usually not much of
an issue as you need only install the appropriate kernel headers package
which matches your linux-image package. Debian testing is a lil more
tricky as gcc/g++ could have been upgraded since the kernel was built,
but you can try the same technique as with stable. Debian unstable
you're most assuredly better off just compiling your own kernel image
and header packages using make-kpkg to save yourself a lot of grief.


Jan Johansson wrote:

>I am about to set up a new VMWare host since VMWare Server is now a free
>I have understood that in order to complie the various modules, you "must"
>use the exact same GCC for the kernel as for the module. 
>Now, if I want to grab linux-image-2.6.15-686-smp and make sure I can build
>the VMWare modules how would I go about doing that?
>Can I download the kernel source and make an "exact copy" of the prepackaged
>kernel somehow? As in, all modules compiled the same way and so forth?
>Any hints appreciated!

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