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Re: udev and gnome-volume-manager not working in Sarge

On Thu, Dec 16, 2004 at 02:11:38PM -0600, Alex Malinovich wrote:
> This is just a copy of your pre-udev device entries. They're not used
> for anything, they're just pretty much there for your reference.

I've been wondering about this.  Say you're not interested in the usual "my
/dev is emptier than yours" dick-waving contest... you want what's in /dev
to stay in /dev.  But you actually want udev's symlink-making ability for
some silly reason.  Can udev actually operate this way, or is all it can do
the usual Gnomish "I know how you should use your computer better than you
do" crap?  Let it mount a gods-be-damned tempfs if it wants, but let it
also put everything INTO that tempfs.

Well?  Can it?

 Marc Wilson |     Q: What is green and lives in the ocean?  A:
 msw@cox.net |     Moby Pickle.

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