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Re: vfat iPod suddenly fails to write [was: Re: [solved] Re: mounting iPod with USB]

Nori Heikkinen wrote:
on Tue, 28 Sep 2004 09:02:31AM -0700, Erik Steffl insinuated:

Nori Heikkinen wrote:

/dev/sda      /mnt/ipod     hfsplus rw,user,noauto,noatime  0 0

), /var/log/syslog gives the error:

Sep 27 16:12:48 homeruns kernel: HFS+-fs warning: Filesystem was not
cleanly unmounted, running fsck.hfsplus is recommended.  mounting

and then it mounts it read-only, like it says.

can't you force it to remount rw?

you mean, like, remount -o rw,remount /dev/sda2 (or whatever device)?
-- no, i can't.  tried that; should have said.

That can often be one with regular HDs. Why don't you run fsck on
it? is there no fsck.hfsplus? apt-file didn't find it...

yeah, i couldn't find one.

there is a way to set the number of mounts after which it requires
fsck, can't you set it to higher number?

hm, probably ... but now i converted it to vfat.

for regular HDs I see different message if they exceed the mount
count (it says something to that effect), maybe your iPod really was
unmounted improperly.

it's entirely possible.


homeruns:~# hpmount /dev/sda /mnt/ipod hpmount: /dev/sda: Neither
Wrapper nor native HFS+ volume header found (Unknown error

which is just wack, afaict, seeing as it was mounting happily with
`mount -t hfsplus` up until 32 mounts (and still does, just r-o).

why are you mounting sda? generally you don't mount the disk but a
partition (that has a filesystem), on my iPod (bought august 2003)
the sda3 is the one to mount.

on mine, it's /dev/sda2 ...

I use firewire but that shouldn't make any difference.

apparently the hfsplus tools figure out which partition on the device
given has the data you want for you -- magic!  so, that's legit when i
mount with -t hfsplus, but not when i do it with -t vfat.

now, i'm getting a weird problem, however.  after dumping about 200
songs on my newly-vfat'd iPod, i tried to add another batch, and
gtkpod crashed, and my kernel told me:

Sep 28 12:14:44 homeruns kernel: FAT: unable to read inode block for
updating (i_pos 1219121)<3>FAT: Directory bread(block 76088) failed
Sep 28 12:14:44 homeruns kernel: FAT: Directory bread(block 76089)
Sep 28 12:14:44 homeruns kernel: FAT: Directory bread(block 76090)
Sep 28 12:14:44 homeruns kernel: FAT: Directory bread(block 76091)

and so on, for about 100 lines.

now i can't mount it.  i get the error:

mount: /dev/sda2 is not a valid block device

when i try.  when this happened the first time, i tried rebooting (i
know, bad linux user! shouldn't need to reboot), and that solved the
problem until it happened agin.

i'm going to try this on a friend's mac tonight, but what's up?  do i
have a lemon?  why is the filesystem suddenly ceasing to be

you didn't mention it yet: sometime the two finger salute helps, I had few occurences of iPod being unresponsive and sometime it helps (other times reboot of linux machine helped, I think there's something wrong with (at least my setup of) firewire (or somewhere between firewire and scsi).


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