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Re: Can't dial up

Actually, I have a better question.

Since the route command shows me that eth0 is the default, and I know
I have no internet off of that, how can I set up my lan configuration
so that eth0 never gets the default route status, this should free up
the dialing dialog to take over that status, right?

On Sun, 05 Sep 2004 15:40:07 +0200, John Hasler <john@dhh.gt.org>

>James Allen writes:
>> In /etc/resolv.conf make sure you have
>> search your_isp_domain
>This is not necessary.
>> nameserver your_isp_primary_nameserver
>This is.
>John Hasler
>john@dhh.gt.org (John Hasler)
>Dancing Horse Hill
>Elmwood, WI
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