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Re: ccing

On Fri, 11 Jun 2004 14:22:03 -0700
Paul Scott <paslist@ultrasw.com> wrote:
> s. keeling wrote:
>>> <>3. I also check lists.debian.org and I bet a lot of people do.
>>> Everyone forgets from time to time. Many never check. 
> I never check.  I Google instead.  I tried checking list archives a long
> time ago and found it terribly inefficient.  Is there some other 
> efficient way to search lists.debian.org that I don't know about?

Yeah, googling with an additional qualitifer of "site:lists.debian.org"
or something like that.  The disadvantage is that you don't get
the ability to search on date ranges and stuff like that, which
using the search engine provided by Debian for the mailing lists
gives you.  The advantage is that Google finds a lot of stuff
that the Debian search engine misses.

But either way, do search the lists, even if it seems inefficient for
you, as an act of kindness/respect towards the people you'd like to
help you.


Chris Metzler			cmetzler@speakeasy.snip-me.net
		(remove "snip-me." to email)

"As a child I understood how to give; I have forgotten this grace since I
have become civilized." - Chief Luther Standing Bear

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