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Re: Linux is not for consumers!

On Fri, 12 Dec 2003 at 00:10 GMT, Thanasis Kinias penned:
> scripsit Monique Y. Herman:
>> A lot of times, people post very app-specific questions to, say, this
>> debian-user list.  I've done this myself.  Perhaps no one on this
>> list has the expertise required.  If you have a question about mutt
>> (that doesn't involve installation through apt), you're probably best
>> off asking on the mutt mailing list.  If you have a question about
>> vim ...  etc.
> OTOH, there is a great pool of knowledge here, and many people are not
> able to follow the mailing list for every app they use.  If it's a
> very technical question (e.g., trying to track down why gimp segfaults
> when you do a particular action) it's obviously more appropriate for
> the app's list.  If it's more general, and you don't know whether it
> might be Debian-specific (e.g., an app just stopped working after I
> dist-upgraded a testing box) this is a pretty good resource to exhaust
> first before going to the app people.

Agreed.  Also, some apps have much more helpful user mailing lists than
others.  I'm just saying, if a question doesn't get answered, I wouldn't
jump to the conclusion that people are ignoring you to be mean -- it's
quite possible that no one knows the answer or has time to track it down
right now.


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