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Re: Searching for an editor...

On Sun, 19 Oct 2003 19:33:39 -0400, Peter S Galbraith
<p.galbraith@globetrotter.net> wrote: 

> True enough.  But Emacs is _one_ application.  You'd think they could
> do better in terms of frequency of release.

Yeah, but it's a text editor.

EMACS has been being developed for over 20 years or something. It's
really evident that they've done everything they can do, especially now
since EMACS is hardly even considered a text editor anymore, but a true
operating system (as a joke of course.)

Text editors aren't really on the cutting edge of development. This
became true when it became possible to read net.news and mail, along
with chat on IRC and talk to eliza, the computerized psychotherapist,
using EMACS.

I'd say the emacs guys have run out of things to implement. If I were
them, I'd concentrate on GNU/Hurd, the final and most significant piece
of the GNU puzzle. ;)

scott c. linnenbringer    |  sl@panix.com
http://www.panix.com/~sl  | sl@moslug.org
jabber: sl@theoretic.com  |  irc: Jawoota

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