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Re: HELP - Need a DNS Guru

On Sat, 18 Oct 2003 at 20:30 GMT, Todd Pytel penned:
> Ah... a bit more poking shows that you control lightwaveaccess.net as
> well. Whois says that both HH and LWA are nameservers, but dig shows
> HH as the sole authority for LWA. I'm not enough of a DNS expert to
> really trace through this, but it seems to me that there's way too
> much circularity here. At the least, I think you want each domain's NS
> to list itself as the primary NS. 

I am also not a DNS expert, but I was under the impression that you're
not supposed to list yourself as your primary NS, as it causes problems
if you need to update your own records or go offline.  Maybe I'm wrong

IIRC when I ran DNS services in the past, I listed a friend's machine as
my primary DNS, and he was set up to suck from my server periodically.
That way, I could tell him to update the IP address if it changed, and
all worked smoothly.  Whether that was the "right" way to do things, I'm
not sure.

Unless you need to share ultra-sensitive super-spy stuff with me, please
don't email me directly.  I will most likely see your post before I read
your mail, anyway.

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