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Re: can't get the java plugin to work in mozilla

Jeremy Petzold wrote:

hrm...nothing that has been suggested to me has worked....

I am running the 1.3.1 browser.

this is realy anoying...why don't they distribute java with mozilla?


Because Java is not freely distributable according to the DFSG. Blame Sun.

What works for me is the following:

Go to http://www.blackdown.org and got to Download, then JDK-1.4.1 (not "debian"), then i386 (assuming you're on an i386 box), 01, and then either j2re... or j2sdk.... If you need the stand alone appletrunner or you plan to develop Java apps, you want the j2sdk; otherwise if you just want the runtime environment (plugin), all you need is the j2re.... You'll need to get the gcc2.x version, or the gcc3.x version, depending on which version of gcc your Mozilla was compiled with. I think that if you're running Woody, you'll want the gcc2.x version; if Unstable, then the gcc3.x version. If Testing, I dunno.

Now that you've got the file, "chmod +x" it and then run it as root. I don't remember if it installs Java, or just unpacks it into a directory. If the latter, I'd move the directory to /usr/local.

Then make a symlink in your Mozilla plugins directory. The command on my machine went like this:

ln -s /usr/local/j2sdk1.4.1/jre/plugin/i386/mozilla/javaplugin_oji.so /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/javaplugin_oji.so

After that, Java shows up in Help/About Plugins.

Kent West (westk@acu.edu)

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