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Re: reisefs vs ext2 or ext3

Allan Wind wrote:
> Kevin McKinley wrote:
> > XFS has some neat stuff, but one thing it lacks is a file system check and
> > repair utility. That seems to me a lot like hubris.
> I did not know that, thanks for pointing that out.

But the whole point of a journaling filesystem is that it does not
need a filesystem check and repair utility.  So taking that as a
negative when it is a positive is completely missing the point.  It is
all built into the filesystem itself.  It is not hubris at this point.
It is a design improvement.

The above is like complaining that an automatic transition is faulty
because it is missing a clutch pedal and remarking on the audacity of
the designers for not including one.  Automatics are not faulty for
not having something they are designed not to need.  [It is a bad
analogy but I can't think of a better one.  I drive a standard
transmission myself and prefer it for many reasons, but I would still
not call an auto lacking or full of hubris because of it.  Please
don't start a long thread extolling the virtues of the different
transmissions.  It is just an analogy.  Life is like that sometimes.
Actualy I guess that would be a simile.]


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