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Re: lightweight window pager and app launcher (was Re: GNOME == bloatware?)

On Thu, Jan 30, 2003 at 01:08:13AM +1100, Rob Weir wrote:
| On Thu, Jan 23, 2003 at 10:01:14PM -0500, Derrick 'dman' Hudson wrote:

| > I've been using gnome since before 1.0.55, but now (with gnome 2) I
| > use gnome itself less and less.  I find it slow to start up and moving
| > in directions I don't particularly like (eg the windows registry
| > clone^W^W^W^Wgconf).  

In fact, on the laptop I upgraded from 2.0 to 2.2.  Now the panel
won't retain it's configuration options.  In particular, the launchers
sometimes don't stay where they are put, and the background color is
stuck at black.  Black isn't so bad, but the contrast against some of
the icons isn't sufficient.  I can change the color via the GUI, but
the next time the panel starts it is black again.  I can also edit all
occurences of that optoin in gconf's files, but the panel resets them
on startup.  Annoying!

| > Currently I only use the panel to have handy application launchers and
| > the workspace switcher applet.  If anyone has suggestions for
| > replacing either one with a lighter alternative I'm all for it 
| I downloaded spager (aka sawfish-pager) and built it from source against
| gtk1.2 (since the version in sid conflicts with my version of sawfish);
| it works great, aside from a little startup weirdness.

I've never heard of sawfish-pager before.  Very nice!  It looks
exactly how I want it too.

The docs failed to mention that restarting sawfish is necessary to
start the pager.

(BTW I had to compile it locally too, but that's because I won't
upgrade gnome on the desktop -- see above for the result on the

| For app launching, I'm just using key bindings now.  shift+f1
| launches an Eterm, shift+f2 a dtemacs window and shift+f3 a new
| galeon window.  For other apps, I just sawfish's root menu, or start
| them from the Eterm I already have in front of me ;)

App launching isn't as big of a deal.  I figure it wouldn't take more
than a couple hours to write a launch-only-"panel".  Sawfish's menu is
available too.

| > (and a "session manager" that will keep the X session alive yet still
| > allow me to restart the window manager at will).
| I thought a session manager maintained your session across logins?

I guess that is a better description of a session manager.  I just
need something to keep ~/.xsession from terminating (thus ending the X

| I can certainly restart sawfish here and not have my X session
| collapse,

How do you start your X sessions?  I typically use gdm with the
"Debian" session type.  That uses ~/.xsession just like 'startx'
would.  The .xsession script runs any programs I want run at startup
(including sawfish, and finally gnome-session).  When that script ends
the X session is over (X terminates and I am no longer logged in).
Currently gnome-session is what blocks .xsession from exiting, until I
choose "logout" from the gnome panel.  In old-school days the window
manager was often used in this capacity.  The problem with using that
now is I want to be able to restart the wm at will without affecting
the "session".

| though the windows do seem to move around a fair bit.

When I restart sawfish, the windows go back where they were before I
killed it.


Emacs is a nice operating system, it lacks a decent editor though

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