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OT: Live Win32 bootable CDs (was Re: Knoppix & DemoLinux)

on Sun, Oct 20, 2002, Andy Saxena (andyML@nyc.rr.com) wrote:
> On Sat, Oct 19, 2002 at 11:56:00PM -0700, Karsten M. Self wrote:
> > on Wed, Oct 16, 2002, Andy Saxena (andyML@nyc.rr.com) wrote:


> > > Windows advocates complain that there's no innovation coming out of
> > > Linux. When they can manage to run their OS on a  CD, I'll believe them
> > > :-}.
> > 
> > Actually, there *is* a boot-from-disk mode for MS Legacy MS Windows, but
> > it's a licensing nightmare and is effectively only available to OEMs.
> > Called the Legacy MS Windows Preinstallation Environment:
> > 
> >     http://www.microsoft.com/licensing/programs/sa/sam/winPe.asp


> > I also note that there appears to be a marketing push behind the tool
> > currently as I'm picking up several current articles regarding it, as
> > current as today (19 Oct 2002).
> > 
> > Peace.
> It's amazing how one learns new things from off-the-cuff remarks. I
> guess they are innovative in that regard.
> Let me up the challenge just a notch. How about Windows Live
> Filesystem CD that includes a full-blown office suite, programming
> environment, web browser and <add your commonly used apps here>.
> Perhaps, you'd need the source for that level of customization :-}.

Actually, that exists.  There's a company, French IIRC, which produces a
live "runs from CD" version of Legacy MS Windows.  They had to play some
tricks with a number of files which must be writeable by the system, not
sure what exactly these were.  I've also spent fifteen minutes googling
for any reference to them, no dice.

A couple of near misses:

    Booting Windows from CD

    Booting Windows From CD-ROM
    (largely same as above)

I realize this is pretty OT, point being that MSFT _can_ do these
things, but generally chooses not to.  Again, largely for licensing and
revenue issues.  A classic vendor-customer goal mismatch, and signs of
long-term trouble.


Karsten M. Self <kmself@ix.netcom.com>        http://kmself.home.netcom.com/
 What Part of "Gestalt" don't you understand?
    Microsoft offers them the one thing most business people will pay
    any price for - the ability to say "we had no choice - everyone's
    doing it that way."
     -- Andrew Grygus  http://www.aaxnet.com/

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