>>>>> "Shri" == Shri Shrikumar <shri@urbyte.com> writes: Shri> Thats basically it , I suppose, the reason I prefer testing over Shri> stable is the desktop. Most newbies (esp with M$ background) want Shri> something they can understand and its easier with the current Shri> testing distribution. If you're going to set everything up for them, and do all the nasty administering, then that's fine. Put them on woody. Once the system is installed, it's stable enough. But at that level, they don't need to know anything about potato-woody-sid-what-is-it-with-all-these-crazy- names. But if they're going to be doing "apt-get upgrade", be aware that they may (will?) run into breakages, the system will complain that packages, and they'll be more confused than they would have been if you gave them a less-than-polished desktop environment. Newbies *using* a testing machine is fine (as long as someone knowledgeable installs it, because the installation may be broken at the time they do it). Newbies *administering* a testing machine, lots of potential for them to be more confused than having them try to use twm. [...] Shri> This is why as the original poster suggested, it might be nice to Shri> have a stable branch for the desktop components which is closer to Shri> testing than the current stable. It makes more sense to use apt with pinning. Less work for the development team, and the administrator gets the final word. -- Hubert Chan <hubert@uhoreg.ca> - http://www.uhoreg.ca/ PGP/GnuPG key: 1024D/124B61FA Fingerprint: 96C5 012F 5F74 A5F7 1FF7 5291 AF29 C719 124B 61FA Key available at wwwkeys.pgp.net. Encrypted e-mail preferred.
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