Cyrus vs. UW IMAP + procmail question
I'm trying to set up a small home lan with multiple Woody boxes.
I would like to be able to access my mail from different machines.
Currently I'm using exim/fetchmail to retieve mail from my ISP.
This gets delivered to procmail, which automatically sorts the
various mailing lists etc. Finally, I use mutt to read my mail.
I would like to keep the same functionality with added possibility
to keep my mail on the server machine and access it from the others
more or less as before.
Now, I thought IMAP would be a good way to do this, but I have trouble
deciding on which implementation to use. Recent posts I've read on this
list suggested that most people seem to prefer Cyrus IMAP.
I've read the (not to detailed) documentation on their site and also the
Cyrus-IMAP howto. I also went to have a look at their mailing list
archive to look for clues on how to set it up with procmail.
What I found was that several people suggested that it should be done through
Cyrus's deliver, but there seems to be permissioning issues with that.
On the other hand in the past I once installed the UW daemon and
allthough it was some time ago so I don't remember the details entirely,
but it seemed to have now problems with serving my normal mbox files
created via procmail...
Also, allthough I haven't read all the documentation on Cyrus yet
(man pages etc.) but I have a feeling that it is much more complex
to configure...
So my question is whether there is any overwhelming reason to use
Cyrus instead of UW? Are there any known problems with UW?
And generally why do people prefer Cyrus over UW?
Additionaly if anyone can offer some thoughts on how to best implement
the above mentioned functionality I would greatly appreciate it!
Many thanks for your help in advance!
best regards,
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