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Re: Netscape & scrollmouse

David P James wrote:
Helgi Örn wrote:
 > On Thu, 2002-06-27 at 06:44, Bob Proulx wrote:
 >> I think you are on top of things.  But does netscape
 >> 4.77 support the mouse wheel?  I did not think so.  If
 >> you can go to a newer version or Mozilla or Galeon or
 >> something newer then I believe it will have mouse wheel
 >>  support.  I think netscape 4.77 is just too old for
 >> that.  I believe that is why the previous poster was
 >> suggesting imwheel.  That converts mouse events to
 >> page-up / page-down, cursor-up / cursor-down keys and
 >> works for programs that don't understand the mouse
 >> wheel. But having tried that I did not like it and
 >> doubt if you would either.
 > In my first mail I explained why I need Netscape 4.*, I
 > use other browsers too. But when I need to use Netscape I
 >  would like to be able to use the scrollmouse as I am
 > used to in other Linux distributions I have used before I
 >  moved to Debian.
 > Cheers, Helgi Örn

Netscape 4.77 doesn't seem to support scroll wheels, at
least not easily. (Oddly, when I first started using linux I
used Corel Linux and I was able to get the scroll wheel to
work for about 5 minutes at the beginning of a Netscape
session before it cut out on me. I have no idea why and no
idea what I did to get it working at all, other than maybe
shear luck) However, Netscape is fairly customizable
and there is a way around it. I've snipped the relevant
section from my .Xdefaults file in my home directory. There
is a lot more than what I've appended, including entries to
disable blinking text and to replace the search button with
a google link, etc.

Ah, heck, here's the entire thing...

David P. James
Ottawa, Ontario

The bureaucratic mentality is the only constant in the universe.
-Dr. Leonard McCoy, Star Trek IV
! For nice fonts, Netscape especially
!*fontList: -*-lucida-medium-r-*-*-10-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
#Netscape*documentFonts.charset*adobe-fontspecific: iso-8859-1
#Netscape*documentFonts.charset*adobe-fontspecific:   iso-8859-1

#Netscape*drawingArea.translations:  #replace    \
#        <Btn1Down>:           ArmLink()   \n\
#        <Btn2Down>:           ArmLink()   \n\
#        ~Shift<Btn1Up>:       ActivateLink()  \n\
#        ~Shift<Btn2Up>:       ActivateLink(new-window)  \
#                                        DisarmLink()    \n\
#        Shift<Btn1Up>:        ActivateLink(save-only)  \
#                                        DisarmLink()    \n\
#        Shift<Btn2Up>:        ActivateLink(save-only)  \
#                                        DisarmLink()    \n\
#        <Btn1Motion>:             DisarmLinkIfMoved()  \n\
#        <Btn2Motion>:             DisarmLinkIfMoved()  \n\
#        <Btn3Motion>:             DisarmLinkIfMoved()  \n\
#        <Motion>:             DescribeLink()  \n\
#        <Btn3Down>:           xfeDoPopup()    \n\
#        <Btn3Up>:             ActivatePopup() \n\
#        Ctrl<Btn4Down>: PageUp()\n\
#        Ctrl<Btn5Down>: PageDown()\n\
#        Shift<Btn4Down>: LineUp()\n\
#        Shift<Btn5Down>: LineDown()\n\
#         None<Btn4Down>: LineUp()LineUp()LineUp()LineUp()LineUp()LineUp()\n\
#         None<Btn5Down>: LineDown()LineDown()LineDown()LineDown()LineDown()LineDown()\n\
!Netscape*globalNonTextTranslations: #override\n\
!Shift<Btn4Down>: LineUp()\n\
!Shift<Btn5Down>: LineDown()\n\
! None<Btn4Down>:LineUp()LineUp()LineUp()LineUp()LineUp()LineUp()\n\
! None<Btn5Down>:LineDown()LineDown()LineDown()LineDown()LineDown()LineDown()\n\

Netscape*toolBar.destinations.isEnabled: false
Netscape*toolBar.myshopping.isEnabled: true
Netscape*toolBar.search.isEnabled: true
Netscape*toolBar.viewSecurity.isEnabled: true
!# XTerm binding for mouse wheel
!# Scrolling on wheel mouse: half a page normally, line per line with shift
XTerm.vt100.translations: #override\n\

!# In the scrollbar we map buttons 5 & 4 to 1 and 2 otherwise, core dump
!# This will move proportionnaly to cursor position but we dont know how to
!# program the same exact behavior as in the text widget.
XTerm.vt100.Scrollbar.translations: #override\n\
     <Btn5Down>: StartScroll(Forward)\n\
     <Btn4Down>: StartScroll(Backward)\n\

! Patches to make Netscape more usable:

Netscape*globalNonTextTranslations:        #override					\
~Meta ~Alt ~Ctrl        <Key>space:        xfeDoCommand(spacebar)			\n\
~Meta ~Alt ~Ctrl        <Key>BackSpace:    PageUp()					\n\
~Meta ~Alt ~Ctrl        <Key>osfBackSpace: PageUp()					\n\
~Meta ~Alt ~Ctrl        <Key>Delete:       PageUp()					\n\
~Meta ~Alt ~Ctrl        <Key>osfDelete:    PageUp()					\n\
~Meta ~Alt ~Ctrl        <Key>Prior:        PageUp()					\n\
~Meta ~Alt ~Ctrl        <Key>osfPageUp:    PageUp()					\n\
 Meta                   <Btn4Up>:          xfeDoCommand(forward)			\n\
       Alt              <Btn4Up>:          xfeDoCommand(forward)			\n\
            Ctrl        <Btn4Up>:          PageUp()					\n\
                  Shift <Btn4Up>:          LineUp()					\n\
                        <Btn4Up>:          LineUp()LineUp()LineUp()LineUp()		\n\
~Meta ~Alt ~Ctrl ~Shift <Key>Up:           LineUp()					\n\
~Meta ~Alt ~Ctrl ~Shift <Key>osfUp:        LineUp()					\n\
~Meta ~Alt ~Ctrl        <Key>space:        PageDown()					\n\
~Meta ~Alt ~Ctrl        <Key>Next:         PageDown()					\n\
~Meta ~Alt ~Ctrl        <Key>osfPageDown:  PageDown()					\n\
 Meta                   <Btn5Up>:          xfeDoCommand(back)				\n\
       Alt              <Btn5Up>:          xfeDoCommand(back)				\n\
            Ctrl        <Btn5Up>:          PageDown()					\n\
                  Shift <Btn5Up>:          LineDown()					\n\
                        <Btn5Up>:          LineDown()LineDown()LineDown()LineDown()	\n\
~Meta ~Alt ~Ctrl ~Shift <Key>Down:         LineDown()					\n\
~Meta ~Alt ~Ctrl ~Shift <Key>osfDown:      LineDown()					\n\
~Meta ~Alt ~Ctrl        <Key>Left:         ColumnLeft()					\n\
~Meta ~Alt ~Ctrl        <Key>osfLeft:      ColumnLeft()					\n\
~Meta ~Alt ~Ctrl        <Key>Right:        ColumnRight()				\n\
~Meta ~Alt ~Ctrl        <Key>osfRight:     ColumnRight()				\n\
 Meta       Ctrl        <Key>g:            fishcam()					\n\
       Alt  Ctrl        <Key>g:            fishcam()					\n\
 Meta       Ctrl        <Key>t:            net_showstatus()				\n\
       Alt  Ctrl        <Key>t:            net_showstatus()				\n\
            Ctrl        <Key>t:            net_showstatus()				\n

Netscape*globalTextFieldTranslations:      #override					\
~Meta ~Alt ~Ctrl        <Key>Up:           LineUp()					\n\
~Meta ~Alt ~Ctrl        <Key>Down:         LineDown()					\n\
~Meta ~Alt ~Ctrl        <Key>osfUp:        LineUp()					\n\
~Meta ~Alt ~Ctrl        <Key>osfDown:      LineDown()					\n\
                  Shift <Btn4Up>:          LineUp()					\n\
                        <Btn4Up>:          LineUp()LineUp()LineUp()			\
                                           LineUp()LineUp()LineUp()			\n\
                  Shift <Btn5Up>:          LineDown()					\n\
                        <Btn5Up>:          LineDown()LineDown()LineDown()		\
                                           LineDown()LineDown()LineDown()		\n

! FIXME: Could do *a lot* more good here
Netscape*multiLineEditingTranslations:     #override					\
 Meta ~Alt ~Ctrl        <Key>x:            xfeDoText(cut)				\n\
 Meta ~Alt ~Ctrl        <Key>c:            xfeDoText(copy)				\n\
 Meta ~Alt ~Ctrl        <Key>v:            xfeDoText(paste)				\n\
 Meta ~Alt ~Ctrl        <Key>y:            xfeDoText(paste)				\n\
~Meta  Alt ~Ctrl        <Key>x:            xfeDoText(cut)				\n\
~Meta  Alt ~Ctrl        <Key>c:            xfeDoText(copy)				\n\
~Meta  Alt ~Ctrl        <Key>v:            xfeDoText(paste)				\n\
~Meta  Alt ~Ctrl        <Key>y:            xfeDoText(paste)				\n\
~Meta ~Alt  Ctrl        <Key>y:            xfeDoText(paste)				\n\
~Meta ~Alt ~Ctrl        <Key>SunCopy:      xfeDoText(copy)				\n\
~Meta ~Alt ~Ctrl        <Key>SunPaste:     xfeDoText(paste)				\n\
~Meta ~Alt ~Ctrl        <Key>SunCut:       xfeDoText(cut)				\n\
~Meta ~Alt  Ctrl        <Key>k:            deselect-all()end-of-line(extend)		\
                                           xfeDoText(cut)				\n\
            Ctrl        <Key>w:            xfeDoText(cut)				\n\
 Meta      ~Ctrl        <Key>d:            kill-next-word()				\n\
       Alt ~Ctrl        <Key>d:            kill-next-word()				\n\
~Meta ~Alt  Ctrl        <Key>l:            redraw-display()xfeDoCommand(refresh)	\n\
 Meta      ~Ctrl        <Key>osfBackSpace: kill-previous-word()				\n\
       Alt ~Ctrl        <Key>osfBackSpace: kill-previous-word()				\n\
 Meta      ~Ctrl        <Key>osfDelete:    kill-next-word()				\n\
       Alt ~Ctrl        <Key>osfDelete:    kill-next-word()				\n\
~Meta ~Alt  Ctrl        <Key>j:            newline-and-indent()				\n\
~Meta ~Alt  Ctrl        <Key>o:            newline-and-backup()				\n\
~Meta ~Alt  Ctrl ~Shift <Key>n:            next-line()					\n\
~Meta ~Alt  Ctrl  Shift <Key>n:            next-line(extend)				\n\
~Meta ~Alt  Ctrl ~Shift <Key>p:            previous-line()				\n\
~Meta ~Alt  Ctrl  Shift <Key>p:            previous-line(extend)			\n\
~Meta ~Alt  Ctrl ~Shift <Key>v:            next-page()					\n\
~Meta ~Alt  Ctrl  Shift <Key>v:            next-page(extend)				\n\
 Meta       Ctrl ~Shift <Key>v:            previous-page()				\n\
       Alt  Ctrl ~Shift <Key>v:            previous-page()				\n\
 Meta      ~Ctrl  Shift <Key>v:            previous-page(extend)			\n\
       Alt ~Ctrl  Shift <Key>v:            previous-page(extend)			\n\
       Alt ~Ctrl ~Shift <Key>braceleft:    backward-paragraph()				\n\
 Meta      ~Ctrl ~Shift <Key>braceleft:    backward-paragraph()				\n\
       Alt ~Ctrl  Shift <Key>braceleft:    backward-paragraph(extend)			\n\
 Meta      ~Ctrl  Shift <Key>braceleft:    backward-paragraph(extend)			\n\
       Alt ~Ctrl ~Shift <Key>braceright:   forward-paragraph()				\n\
 Meta      ~Ctrl ~Shift <Key>braceright:   forward-paragraph()				\n\
       Alt ~Ctrl  Shift <Key>braceright:   forward-paragraph(extend)			\n\
 Meta      ~Ctrl  Shift <Key>braceright:   forward-paragraph(extend)			\n\
       Alt ~Ctrl        <Key><:            set-anchor()beginning-of-file()		\n\
 Meta      ~Ctrl        <Key><:            set-anchor()beginning-of-file()		\n\
       Alt ~Ctrl        <Key>>:            set-anchor()end-of-file()			\n\
 Meta      ~Ctrl        <Key>>:            set-anchor()end-of-file()			\n\
      ~Alt  Ctrl        <Key><:            set-anchor()beginning-of-file(extend)	\n\
~Meta       Ctrl        <Key><:            set-anchor()beginning-of-file(extend)	\n\
      ~Alt  Ctrl        <Key>>:            set-anchor()end-of-file(extend)		\n\
~Meta       Ctrl        <Key>>:            set-anchor()end-of-file(extend)		\n\
            Ctrl        <Key>/:            undefined-key()				\n\
~Meta ~Alt ~Ctrl        <Key>Prior:        previous-page()				\n\
~Meta ~Alt ~Ctrl        <Key>osfPageUp:    previous-page()				\n\
            Ctrl        <Btn4Up>:          previous-page()				\n\
                  Shift <Btn4Up>:          previous-line()				\n\
                        <Btn4Up>:          previous-line()previous-line()		\
                                           previous-line()previous-line()		\n\
~Meta ~Alt ~Ctrl ~Shift <Key>Up:           previous-line()				\n\
~Meta ~Alt ~Ctrl ~Shift <Key>osfUp:        previous-line()				\n\
~Meta ~Alt ~Ctrl        <Key>Next:         next-page()					\n\
~Meta ~Alt ~Ctrl        <Key>osfPageDown:  next-page()					\n\
            Ctrl        <Btn5Up>:          next-page()					\n\
                  Shift <Btn5Up>:          next-line()					\n\
                        <Btn5Up>:          next-line()next-line()next-line()next-line()	\n\
~Meta ~Alt ~Ctrl ~Shift <Key>Down:         next-line()					\n\
~Meta ~Alt ~Ctrl ~Shift <Key>osfDown:      next-line()					\n

! FIXME: Could do more good here
Netscape*singleLineEditingTranslations:    #override					\
~Meta ~Alt ~Ctrl        <Key>SunCut:       xfeDoText(cut)				\n\
~Meta  Alt ~Ctrl        <Key>x:            xfeDoText(cut)				\n\
 Meta ~Alt ~Ctrl        <Key>x:            xfeDoText(cut)				\n\
            Ctrl        <Key>x:            xfeDoText(cut)				\n\
            Ctrl        <Key>w:            xfeDoText(cut)				\n\
~Meta ~Alt ~Ctrl        <Key>SunCopy:      xfeDoText(copy)				\n\
~Meta  Alt ~Ctrl        <Key>w:            xfeDoText(copy)				\n\
 Meta ~Alt ~Ctrl        <Key>w:            xfeDoText(copy)				\n\
~Meta  Alt ~Ctrl        <Key>c:            xfeDoText(copy)				\n\
 Meta ~Alt ~Ctrl        <Key>c:            xfeDoText(copy)				\n\
            Ctrl        <Key>c:            xfeDoText(copy)				\n\
~Meta ~Alt ~Ctrl        <Key>SunPaste:     xfeDoText(paste)				\n\
~Meta  Alt ~Ctrl        <Key>v:            xfeDoText(paste)				\n\
 Meta ~Alt ~Ctrl        <Key>v:            xfeDoText(paste)				\n\
            Ctrl        <Key>v:            xfeDoText(paste)				\n\
~Meta  Alt ~Ctrl        <Key>y:            xfeDoText(paste)				\n\
 Meta ~Alt ~Ctrl        <Key>y:            xfeDoText(paste)				\n\
            Ctrl        <Key>y:            xfeDoText(paste)				\n\
~Meta ~Alt  Ctrl        <Key>u:            beginning-of-line()delete-to-end-of-line()	\n\
~Meta ~Alt  Ctrl        <Key>k:            deselect-all()end-of-line(extend)		\
                                           xfeDoText(cut)				\n\
~Meta ~Alt  Ctrl        <Key>l:            xfeDoCommand(refresh)			\n\
 Meta      ~Ctrl        <Key>d:            delete-next-word()				\n\
       Alt ~Ctrl        <Key>d:            delete-next-word()				\n\
 Meta      ~Ctrl        <Key>osfDelete:    delete-next-word()				\n\
       Alt ~Ctrl        <Key>osfDelete:    delete-next-word()				\n\
            Ctrl        <Key>Delete:       delete-next-word()				\n\
 Meta      ~Ctrl        <Key>osfBackSpace: delete-previous-word()			\n\
       Alt ~Ctrl        <Key>osfBackSpace: delete-previous-word()			\n\
            Ctrl        <Key>BackSpace:    delete-previous-word()			\n\
            Ctrl        <Key>space:        deselect-all()set-anchor()			\n\
       Alt ~Ctrl        <Key><:            set-anchor()beginning-of-line()		\n\
 Meta      ~Ctrl        <Key><:            set-anchor()beginning-of-line()		\n\
       Alt ~Ctrl        <Key>>:            set-anchor()end-of-line()			\n\
 Meta      ~Ctrl        <Key>>:            set-anchor()end-of-line()			\n\
      ~Alt  Ctrl        <Key><:            set-anchor()beginning-of-line(extend)	\n\
~Meta       Ctrl        <Key><:            set-anchor()beginning-of-line(extend)	\n\
      ~Alt  Ctrl        <Key>>:            set-anchor()end-of-line(extend)		\n\
~Meta       Ctrl        <Key>>:            set-anchor()end-of-line(extend)		\n\
~Meta ~Alt ~Ctrl        <Key>osfLeft:      deselect-all()backward-character()		\n\
~Meta ~Alt ~Ctrl        <Key>osfRight:     deselect-all()forward-character()		\n\
                  Shift <Key>Left:         backward-character(extend)			\n\
                  Shift <Key>Right:        forward-character(extend)			\n

Netscape*drawingArea.translations:         #replace					\
                        <Btn1Down>:        ArmLink()					\n\
                        <Btn2Down>:        ArmLink()					\n\
                 ~Shift <Btn1Up>:          ActivateLink()				\n\
                 ~Shift <Btn2Up>:          ActivateLink(new-window)DisarmLink()		\n\
                  Shift <Btn1Up>:          ActivateLink(save-only)DisarmLink()		\n\
                  Shift <Btn2Up>:          ActivateLink(save-only)DisarmLink()		\n\
                        <Btn1Motion>:      DisarmLinkIfMoved()				\n\
                        <Btn2Motion>:      DisarmLinkIfMoved()				\n\
                        <Btn3Motion>:      DisarmLinkIfMoved()				\n\
                        <Motion>:          DescribeLink()				\n\
                        <Btn3Down>:        xfeDoPopup()					\n\
            Ctrl        <Btn4Up>:          PageUp()					\n\
                  Shift <Btn4Up>:          LineUp()					\n\
                        <Btn4Up>:          LineUp()LineUp()LineUp()			\
                                           LineUp()LineUp()LineUp()			\n\
            Ctrl        <Btn5Up>:          PageDown()					\n\
                  Shift <Btn5Up>:          LineDown()					\n\
                        <Btn5Up>:          LineDown()LineDown()LineDown()		\
                                           LineDown()LineDown()LineDown()		\n

Netscape*dialogGlobalTranslations:         #override					\
 Meta      ~Ctrl        <Key>W:            xfeDoCommand(close)				\n\
       Alt ~Ctrl        <Key>W:            xfeDoCommand(close)				\n\
            Ctrl        <Key>W:            xfeDoCommand(close)				\n

Netscape*ghGlobalTranslations:             #override					\
 Meta      ~Ctrl        <Key>D:            xfeDoCommand(delete)				\n\
       Alt ~Ctrl        <Key>D:            xfeDoCommand(delete)				\n\
            Ctrl        <Key>D:            xfeDoCommand(delete)				\n\
 Meta      ~Ctrl        <Key>O:            xfeDoCommand(openSelected)			\n\
       Alt ~Ctrl        <Key>O:            xfeDoCommand(openSelected)			\n\
            Ctrl        <Key>O:            xfeDoCommand(openSelected)			\n\
~Meta ~Alt ~Ctrl        <Key>Prior:        PageUp()					\n\
~Meta ~Alt ~Ctrl        <Key>osfPageUp:    PageUp()					\n\
            Ctrl        <Btn4Up>:          PageUp()					\n\
                  Shift <Btn4Up>:          LineUp()					\n\
                        <Btn4Up>:          LineUp()LineUp()LineUp()LineUp()		\n\
~Meta ~Alt ~Ctrl ~Shift <Key>Up:           LineUp()					\n\
~Meta ~Alt ~Ctrl ~Shift <Key>osfUp:        LineUp()					\n\
~Meta ~Alt ~Ctrl        <Key>space:        PageDown()					\n\
~Meta ~Alt ~Ctrl        <Key>Next:         PageDown()					\n\
~Meta ~Alt ~Ctrl        <Key>osfPageDown:  PageDown()					\n\
            Ctrl        <Btn5Up>:          PageDown()					\n\
                  Shift <Btn5Up>:          LineDown()					\n\
                        <Btn5Up>:          LineDown()LineDown()LineDown()LineDown()	\n\
~Meta ~Alt ~Ctrl ~Shift <Key>Down:         LineDown()					\n\
~Meta ~Alt ~Ctrl ~Shift <Key>osfDown:      LineDown()					\n

Netscape*bmGlobalTranslations:             #override					\
                        <Btn3Down>:        xfeDoPopup()					\n\
 Meta      ~Ctrl        <Key>D:            xfeDoCommand(delete)				\n\
       Alt ~Ctrl        <Key>D:            xfeDoCommand(delete)				\n\
            Ctrl        <Key>D:            xfeDoCommand(delete)				\n\
 Meta      ~Ctrl        <Key>F:            xfeDoCommand(findInObject)			\n\
       Alt ~Ctrl        <Key>F:            xfeDoCommand(findInObject)			\n\
            Ctrl        <Key>F:            xfeDoCommand(findInObject)			\n\
 Meta      ~Ctrl        <Key>G:            xfeDoCommand(findAgain)			\n\
       Alt ~Ctrl        <Key>G:            xfeDoCommand(findAgain)			\n\
            Ctrl        <Key>G:            xfeDoCommand(findAgain)			\n\
 Meta      ~Ctrl        <Key>O:            xfeDoCommand(openSelected)			\n\
       Alt ~Ctrl        <Key>O:            xfeDoCommand(openSelected)			\n\
            Ctrl        <Key>O:            xfeDoCommand(openSelected)			\n\
~Meta ~Alt ~Ctrl  Shift <Key>Up:           xfeDoCommand(moveBookmarkUp)			\n\
~Meta ~Alt ~Ctrl  Shift <Key>Down:         xfeDoCommand(moveBookmarkDown)		\n\
~Meta ~Alt ~Ctrl  Shift <Key>osfUp:        xfeDoCommand(moveBookmarkUp)			\n\
~Meta ~Alt ~Ctrl  Shift <Key>osfDown:      xfeDoCommand(moveBookmarkDown)		\n\
~Meta ~Alt ~Ctrl        <Key>Prior:        PageUp()					\n\
~Meta ~Alt ~Ctrl        <Key>osfPageUp:    PageUp()					\n\
            Ctrl        <Btn4Up>:          PageUp()					\n\
                  Shift <Btn4Up>:          LineUp()					\n\
                        <Btn4Up>:          LineUp()LineUp()LineUp()LineUp()		\n\
~Meta ~Alt ~Ctrl ~Shift <Key>Up:           LineUp()					\n\
~Meta ~Alt ~Ctrl ~Shift <Key>osfUp:        LineUp()					\n\
~Meta ~Alt ~Ctrl        <Key>space:        PageDown()					\n\
~Meta ~Alt ~Ctrl        <Key>Next:         PageDown()					\n\
~Meta ~Alt ~Ctrl        <Key>osfPageDown:  PageDown()					\n\
            Ctrl        <Btn5Up>:          PageDown()					\n\
                  Shift <Btn5Up>:          LineDown()					\n\
                        <Btn5Up>:          LineDown()LineDown()LineDown()LineDown()	\n\
~Meta ~Alt ~Ctrl ~Shift <Key>Down:         LineDown()					\n\
~Meta ~Alt ~Ctrl ~Shift <Key>osfDown:      LineDown()					\n

Netscape*browserGlobalTranslations:        #override					\
 Meta      ~Ctrl ~Shift <Key>f:            xfeDoCommand(findInObject)			\n\
       Alt ~Ctrl ~Shift <Key>f:            xfeDoCommand(findInObject)			\n\
            Ctrl ~Shift <Key>f:            xfeDoCommand(findInObject)			\n\
 Meta      ~Ctrl ~Shift <Key>g:            xfeDoCommand(findAgain)			\n\
       Alt ~Ctrl ~Shift <Key>g:            xfeDoCommand(findAgain)			\n\
            Ctrl ~Shift <Key>g:            xfeDoCommand(findAgain)			\n\
 Meta      ~Ctrl ~Shift <Key>i:            xfeDoCommand(showImages)			\n\
       Alt ~Ctrl ~Shift <Key>i:            xfeDoCommand(showImages)			\n\
            Ctrl ~Shift <Key>i:            xfeDoCommand(showImages)			\n\
 Meta      ~Ctrl  Shift <Key>i:            xfeDoCommand(viewSecurity)			\n\
       Alt ~Ctrl  Shift <Key>i:            xfeDoCommand(viewSecurity)			\n\
            Ctrl  Shift <Key>i:            xfeDoCommand(viewSecurity)			\n\
 Meta      ~Ctrl        <Key>l:            xfeDoCommand(openPage)			\n\
       Alt ~Ctrl        <Key>l:            xfeDoCommand(openPage)			\n\
            Ctrl        <Key>l:            xfeDoCommand(openPage)			\n\
 Meta      ~Ctrl ~Shift <Key>o:            xfeDoCommand(openPage)			\n\
       Alt ~Ctrl ~Shift <Key>o:            xfeDoCommand(openPage)			\n\
            Ctrl ~Shift <Key>o:            xfeDoCommand(openPage)			\n\
 Meta      ~Ctrl  Shift <Key>o:            xfeDoCommand(openPageChooseFile)		\n\
       Alt ~Ctrl  Shift <Key>o:            xfeDoCommand(openPageChooseFile)		\n\
            Ctrl  Shift <Key>o:            xfeDoCommand(openPageChooseFile)		\n\
 Meta      ~Ctrl        <Key>P:            xfeDoCommand(print)				\n\
       Alt ~Ctrl        <Key>P:            xfeDoCommand(print)				\n\
            Ctrl        <Key>P:            xfeDoCommand(print)				\n\
 Meta      ~Ctrl        <Key>R:            xfeDoCommand(reload)				\n\
       Alt ~Ctrl        <Key>R:            xfeDoCommand(reload)				\n\
            Ctrl        <Key>R:            xfeDoCommand(reload)				\n\
 Meta      ~Ctrl        <Key>braceleft:    xfeDoCommand(decreaseFont)			\n\
       Alt ~Ctrl        <Key>braceleft:    xfeDoCommand(decreaseFont)			\n\
            Ctrl        <Key>braceleft:    xfeDoCommand(decreaseFont)			\n\
 Meta      ~Ctrl        <Key>braceright:   xfeDoCommand(increaseFont)			\n\
       Alt ~Ctrl        <Key>braceright:   xfeDoCommand(increaseFont)			\n\
            Ctrl        <Key>braceright:   xfeDoCommand(increaseFont)			\n\
 Meta      ~Ctrl        <Key>osfLeft:      xfeDoCommand(back)				\n\
       Alt ~Ctrl        <Key>osfLeft:      xfeDoCommand(back)				\n\
            Ctrl        <Key>osfLeft:      xfeDoCommand(back)				\n\
 Meta      ~Ctrl        <Key>osfRight:     xfeDoCommand(forward)			\n\
       Alt ~Ctrl        <Key>osfRight:     xfeDoCommand(forward)			\n\
       Alt ~Ctrl        <Key>osfRight:     xfeDoCommand(forward)			\n\
                        <Key>Escape:       xfeDoCommand(stopLoading)			\n\
                        <Key>osfCancel:    xfeDoCommand(stopLoading)			\n

Netscape*globalTranslations:               #override					\
 Meta      ~Ctrl ~Shift <Key>a:            xfeDoCommand(selectAll)			\n\
       Alt ~Ctrl ~Shift <Key>a:            xfeDoCommand(selectAll)			\n\
            Ctrl ~Shift <Key>a:            xfeDoCommand(selectAll)			\n\
 Meta      ~Ctrl        <Key>B:            xfeDoCommand(openBookmarks)			\n\
       Alt ~Ctrl        <Key>B:            xfeDoCommand(openBookmarks)			\n\
            Ctrl        <Key>B:            xfeDoCommand(openBookmarks)			\n\
 Meta      ~Ctrl        <Key>C:            xfeDoCommand(copy)				\n\
       Alt ~Ctrl        <Key>C:            xfeDoCommand(copy)				\n\
            Ctrl        <Key>C:            xfeDoCommand(copy)				\n\
 Meta      ~Ctrl        <Key>D:            undefined-key()				\n\
       Alt ~Ctrl        <Key>D:            undefined-key()				\n\
 Meta      ~Ctrl        <Key>e:            xfeDoCommand(editPreferences)		\n\
       Alt ~Ctrl        <Key>e:            xfeDoCommand(editPreferences)		\n\
 Meta      ~Ctrl ~Shift <Key>f:            undefined-key()				\n\
       Alt ~Ctrl ~Shift <Key>f:            undefined-key()				\n\
 Meta      ~Ctrl        <Key>G:            undefined-key()				\n\
       Alt ~Ctrl        <Key>G:            undefined-key()				\n\
 Meta      ~Ctrl        <Key>H:            xfeDoCommand(openHistory)			\n\
       Alt ~Ctrl        <Key>H:            xfeDoCommand(openHistory)			\n\
            Ctrl        <Key>H:            xfeDoCommand(openHistory)			\n\
 Meta      ~Ctrl        <Key>I:            undefined-key()				\n\
       Alt ~Ctrl        <Key>I:            undefined-key()				\n\
 Meta      ~Ctrl        <Key>J:            undefined-key()				\n\
       Alt ~Ctrl        <Key>J:            undefined-key()				\n\
 Meta      ~Ctrl        <Key>K:            xfeDoCommand(addBookmark)			\n\
       Alt ~Ctrl        <Key>K:            xfeDoCommand(addBookmark)			\n\
            Ctrl        <Key>K:            xfeDoCommand(addBookmark)			\n\
 Meta      ~Ctrl        <Key>l:            undefined-key()				\n\
       Alt ~Ctrl        <Key>l:            undefined-key()				\n\
 Meta      ~Ctrl        <Key>m:            xfeDoCommand(composeMessage)			\n\
       Alt ~Ctrl        <Key>m:            xfeDoCommand(composeMessage)			\n\
 Meta      ~Ctrl ~Shift <Key>n:            xfeDoCommand(openBrowser)			\n\
       Alt ~Ctrl ~Shift <Key>n:            xfeDoCommand(openBrowser)			\n\
            Ctrl ~Shift <Key>n:            xfeDoCommand(openBrowser)			\n\
 Meta      ~Ctrl  Shift <Key>n:            xfeDoCommand(newBlank)			\n\
       Alt ~Ctrl  Shift <Key>n:            xfeDoCommand(newBlank)			\n\
 Meta      ~Ctrl        <Key>O:            undefined-key()				\n\
       Alt ~Ctrl        <Key>O:            undefined-key()				\n\
 Meta      ~Ctrl        <Key>P:            undefined-key()				\n\
       Alt ~Ctrl        <Key>P:            undefined-key()				\n\
 Meta      ~Ctrl        <Key>Q:            xfeDoCommand(exit)				\n\
       Alt ~Ctrl        <Key>Q:            xfeDoCommand(exit)				\n\
            Ctrl        <Key>Q:            xfeDoCommand(exit)				\n\
 Meta      ~Ctrl        <Key>R:            undefined-key()				\n\
       Alt ~Ctrl        <Key>R:            undefined-key()				\n\
 Meta      ~Ctrl        <Key>S:            xfeDoCommand(saveAs)				\n\
       Alt ~Ctrl        <Key>S:            xfeDoCommand(saveAs)				\n\
            Ctrl        <Key>S:            xfeDoCommand(saveAs)				\n\
 Meta      ~Ctrl        <Key>T:            undefined-key()				\n\
       Alt ~Ctrl        <Key>T:            undefined-key()				\n\
 Meta      ~Ctrl        <Key>U:            xfeDoCommand(viewPageSource)			\n\
       Alt ~Ctrl        <Key>U:            xfeDoCommand(viewPageSource)			\n\
            Ctrl        <Key>U:            xfeDoCommand(viewPageSource)			\n\
 Meta      ~Ctrl        <Key>V:            xfeDoCommand(paste)				\n\
       Alt ~Ctrl        <Key>V:            xfeDoCommand(paste)				\n\
            Ctrl        <Key>V:            xfeDoCommand(paste)				\n\
 Meta      ~Ctrl        <Key>W:            xfeDoCommand(close)				\n\
       Alt ~Ctrl        <Key>W:            xfeDoCommand(close)				\n\
            Ctrl        <Key>W:            xfeDoCommand(close)				\n\
 Meta      ~Ctrl        <Key>X:            xfeDoCommand(cut)				\n\
       Alt ~Ctrl        <Key>X:            xfeDoCommand(cut)				\n\
            Ctrl        <Key>X:            xfeDoCommand(cut)				\n\
 Meta      ~Ctrl        <Key>Y:            xfeDoCommand(paste)				\n\
       Alt ~Ctrl        <Key>Y:            xfeDoCommand(paste)				\n\
            Ctrl        <Key>Y:            xfeDoCommand(paste)				\n\
 Meta      ~Ctrl        <Key>Z:            xfeDoCommand(openRadio)			\n\
       Alt ~Ctrl        <Key>Z:            xfeDoCommand(openRadio)			\n\
            Ctrl        <Key>Z:            xfeDoCommand(openRadio)			\n\
 Meta      ~Ctrl ~Shift <Key>1:            xfeDoCommand(openOrBringUpBrowser)		\n\
       Alt ~Ctrl ~Shift <Key>1:            xfeDoCommand(openOrBringUpBrowser)		\n\
 Meta      ~Ctrl  Shift <Key>1:            xfeDoCommand(openFolders)			\n\
       Alt ~Ctrl  Shift <Key>1:            xfeDoCommand(openFolders)			\n\
 Meta      ~Ctrl ~Shift <Key>2:            xfeDoCommand(openInbox)			\n\
       Alt ~Ctrl ~Shift <Key>2:            xfeDoCommand(openInbox)			\n\
 Meta      ~Ctrl  Shift <Key>2:            xfeDoCommand(openAddrBook)			\n\
       Alt ~Ctrl  Shift <Key>2:            xfeDoCommand(openAddrBook)			\n\
 Meta      ~Ctrl        <Key>3:            xfeDoCommand(openEditor)			\n\
       Alt ~Ctrl        <Key>3:            xfeDoCommand(openEditor)			\n\
 Meta      ~Ctrl        <Key>4:            xfeDoCommand(openCalendar)			\n\
       Alt ~Ctrl        <Key>4:            xfeDoCommand(openCalendar)			\n\
 Meta      ~Ctrl        <Key>5:            xfeDoCommand(openConference)			\n\
       Alt ~Ctrl        <Key>5:            xfeDoCommand(openConference)			\n\
 Meta      ~Ctrl        <Key>7:            xfeDoCommand(openRadio)			\n\
       Alt ~Ctrl        <Key>7:            xfeDoCommand(openRadio)			\n\
~Meta ~Alt ~Ctrl        <Key>SunCopy:      xfeDoCommand(copy)				\n\
~Meta ~Alt ~Ctrl        <Key>SunPaste:     xfeDoCommand(paste)				\n\
~Meta ~Alt ~Ctrl        <Key>SunCut:       xfeDoCommand(cut)				\n\
~Meta ~Alt ~Ctrl ~Shift <Key>osfHelp:      xfeDoCommand(manual)				\n\
~Meta ~Alt ~Ctrl        <Key>Prior:        PageUp()					\n\
~Meta ~Alt ~Ctrl        <Key>osfPageUp:    PageUp()					\n\
~Meta ~Alt ~Ctrl        <Key>Next:         PageDown()					\n\
~Meta ~Alt ~Ctrl        <Key>osfPageDown:  PageDown()					\n

! Disable Blinking
Netscape*blinkingEnabled:               False

! Find in Page
Netscape*toolBar.userCommand1.commandName: findInObject
Netscape*toolBar.userCommand1.labelString: Find
Netscape*toolBar.userCommand1.commandIcon: Search

! Replace the "Shop" button with something actually useful:
Netscape*myshopping.labelString:           Debian
Netscape*myshopping.tipString:             Go to the Debian home page
Netscape*myshopping.documentationString:   http://www.debian.org/
Netscape*strings.22495:                    http://www.debian.org/

! Replace the "Search" button with a link to google.com
!Netscape*search.labelString:            Google.com
!Netscape*search.tipString:              Go to Google.com
!Netscape*search.documentationString:    http://www.google.com/
!Netscape*strings.22496:                 http://www.google.com/

! Replace "Netscape Radio" with something *terribly* useful:
!Netscape*menuBar*openRadio.mnemonic:       Z
!Netscape*menuBar*openRadio.labelString:    Zap unwanted garbage
!Netscape*openRadio.documentationString:    Tries to zaps all banners, link targets and mouseover functions from the current page (only works with Javascript turned on).
!Netscape*strings.22496:                    javascript:<noparse>function F(w){var i=w.length;if(i)while(i)F(w.frames[--i]);else {w.L=[];i=w.document.links.length;while(--i+1)with(w.document.links[i])if(href.match(/\.(jpe?g|png|gif)$/i))href='javascript:L['+i+']=new Image();L['+i+'].onload=new Function(\'with((open(\\\'\\\','+i+',\\\'toolbar=no,scrollbars=no,location=no,directories=no,status=no,resizable=no,menubar=no,width=\\\'+this.width+\\\',height=\\\'+this.height)).document){open();write(\\\'<title>'+(w.document.links[i].text||href)+'</title><body background=\\\\\\\'\\\'+this.src+\\\'\\\\\\\'></body>\\\');close()}\');L['+i+'].onerror=new Function(\'alert(\\\''+(w.document.links[i].text||'Link '+i)+' ('+href+')\\\\\\\ncould not be loaded.\\\')\');L['+i+'].src=\''+href+'\';void(null)'}};void(F(this))</noparse>

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