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Re: Netscape & scrollmouse

<quote who="Helgi Örn">
> Hi!
> I've got an PS/2 MS Intellimouse that works very well except that the
> scroll-wheel doesn't work in Netscape 4.77. Can someone inform me how I
> can make that work in Woody?

i use imwheel, there are other ways to use a wheel though
i think in X4 ..imwheel works for me .....(even under X 3.3.x)

to use it i set my mouse protocol to IMPS/2 and set ZAxismapping 4 5
as well.

then i just run 'imwheel'.

you can customize it, i haven't ever looked into customizing it though.
imwheel apparently just translates mousemovements up and down to
page up and page down


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