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Re: Debian: abandon ship?

Sam wrote:

And here's a third - http://www.vicnet.net.au/~rpds/

There are 50 elderly/disabled people in the state of Victoria in Australia who
get their Internet access through a Debian box. All are members of the Rural
Peninsula Disability Support group - they are provided computers and pay $11
Australian a month for three hours access per day. This is the kind of
charitable project which can *never* afford costly server hardware or software - were it not for the Debian project, we would not be able to run something like this,
I'm sorry, but this argument isn't valid as a defense for Debian in particular. You could use any other linux distro for this server; I'm certain you could find a similar
project somewhere in the world where someone uses Redhat or Suse or ...
Frankly I am appalled by someone trying to use an emotional argument, involving
elderly disabled people, to support Debian. I guess we should rethink Debian if
it turned out some neo-nazi group used our software on their servers?


Ivo Wever

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