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Re: Debian: abandon ship?

Ivo Wever <I.J.W.Wever@student.tnw.tudelft.nl> writes:

Completely unrelated to the current topic, could you lobby your email
vendor to support RFC2822 already?  Tell them to read 3.6.4 and fix it
already.  Eudora's broken references headers have been annoying the
crap out of me for years, and they've had over a year since the
standard was released to fix it.  And they've had plenty of complaints
before that.

Since you actually use this misbegotten piece of excrement, maybe
you'll have more pull with them.

Alan Shutko <ats@acm.org> - In a variety of flavors!
Everyone talks about apathy, but no one does anything about it.

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