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Re: Emacs HTML modes

On 19/01/02 Manoj Srivastava did speaketh:

> 	As the psgml maintainer, I would like to know what bugs you
>  have encountered (I note there are no reports beyond a wishlist to
>  supprot font-lock in the BTS).  If you do not actually report the
>  flaws, how do you expect them to be fixed?
> 	I use psgml fairly frequently, and it works to my
>  satisfaction. Given that, and given the time since upstream release,
>  a few revisions may take a decade unless people speak up and
>  contribute. 

    I reported them ages ago.


    The second is allegedly fixed now. As one of the main reasons I'm using an
emacs mode for html and xml is for syntax highlighting, the first one is just
too annoying for me. I load up a document, and initially everything is
different colours, as if to tease me, and then suddenly everything is brown.
Most upsetting. 
    I'll use it again when that one's fixed. psgml-mode has a good rep on

    Oh, one that I didn't report, but I asked about on gnu.emacs.help and got
no response to. I wanted to apply psgml's indentation rules to my entire
document, so I highlighted the entire document and indented the region.
All of my text moved in 2 columns, so that the first 2 columns were blank. Why
is that?
    I've had a lot of problems with indent-region in general, to the point
that I wrote a simple hack to do what I really wanted, which is basically just
to hit Tab on each line. 

;; since indent-region seems to be somewhat broken
(defun really-indent-region (beg end)
  "The existing indent-region function has problems. This is a workaround."
  (interactive "r")
    (goto-char beg)
    (while (< (point) end)
      (forward-line 1))))


Michael P. Soulier <msoulier@mcss.mcmaster.ca>, GnuPG pub key: 5BC8BE08
"...the word HACK is used as a verb to indicate a massive amount
of nerd-like effort."  -Harley Hahn, A Student's Guide to Unix

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