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Re: Emacs HTML modes

>>"Michael" == Michael P Soulier <msoulier@mcss.cas.mcmaster.ca> writes:

 Michael>     I reported them ages ago.

 Michael> http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=123335&repeatmerged=yes
	Yes. Font-lock variables not being picked up by psgml. Font
 lock vars are semi static, SGML tags are created by parsing
 the DTDs. Hence, psgml does not use font lock (making sure the
 keywords were sane would be hard for SGML/XML). Hence, psgml does its
 own keyword highlighting.

 Michael> http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=122650&repeatmerged=yes

 Michael>     The second is allegedly fixed now. As one of the main
 Michael> reasons I'm using an emacs mode for html and xml is for
 Michael> syntax highlighting, the first one is just too annoying for
 Michael> me. I load up a document, and initially everything is
 Michael> different colours, as if to tease me, and then suddenly
 Michael> everything is brown.  Most upsetting.

	Since the keywords are highlighted, and one can chose the
 highlight color, I think this is not a major nit (a minor aesthetic
 consideration, in my opinion, YMMV)

 Michael> I'll use it again when that one's fixed. psgml-mode has a
 Michael> good rep on gnu.emacs.help.

	It is a good SGML editor. It fails on the eye-candy aspect, a
 bit, though, since it does not tie in to the generic font-lock
 mechanism. Not an easy thing to change, though.

	However, since I use various DTDs which include and exclude
 other DTD snippets, having tags highlighted, and having an editor
 that not only knows which other elements are valid in this context,
 but also which attributes are legal for this element, is

	I'd take the context-sensitive knowledge over eye candy any
 day ;-)

 Michael> Oh, one that I didn't report, but I asked about on
 Michael> gnu.emacs.help and got no response to. I wanted to apply
 Michael> psgml's indentation rules to my entire document, so I
 Michael> highlighted the entire document and indented the region.
 Michael> All of my text moved in 2 columns, so that the first 2
 Michael> columns were blank. Why is that?

	Even the top doctype and <html> tags were indented? I don';t
 see that. Could you send me a minimal document that exhibits the

 Michael> I've had a lot of problems with indent-region in general, to
 Michael> the point that I wrote a simple hack to do what I really
 Michael> wanted, which is basically just to hit Tab on each line.

 C-X h   mark-whole-buffer
 ESC C-\ indent-region

	Prettifies the buffer for me quite nicely.

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Manoj Srivastava   <srivasta@debian.org>  <http://www.debian.org/%7Esrivasta/>
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