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Article: Debian's Daunting Installation

   Has anyone seen Joe Barr's article in LinuxWorld at

   I was struck by the article in a number of ways.  I think it's sad that
an experienced user like him couldn't install Debian (sad being the knock
goes against him -- it ain't rocket science), but on the other hand, his
reactions are *typical* of what I've seen when I try to have new users
install Debian (so I can't knock him I guess).

   I've fallen into the mode that I now give new users the free Storm
Linux CD, have them install that and get comfortable with GNU/Linux, and
then tell them to apt up to a full Debian system.  I'd love to give them a
pure Debian install, but after seeing people fail on it again and again
(I'll ignore topics of intelligence in the general user population:-),
unless I'm there to walk them through it I know they're bound to fall on
their face.

   Anyone else have any thoughts on this article?

 Regards, | SAT practice quiz:  Microsoft is to software as ...
 .        |            Answer:  McDonalds is to gourmet cooking.
 Randy    | 
          | <mailto:redwards@golgotha.net> <http://www.golgotha.net>

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