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Re: Netscape Library Error (netscape without .deb)

>>>>> On Tue, 20 Aug 1996 00:43:23 -0600, eliu@acs.ucalgary.ca (Eric Liu) said:

 Eric> Hi!  This new user has another unsolved problem.  *grin* Background: Got
 Eric> and installed motifnls_2.1-1.deb and netscape_3.0-beta6-1.deb.  Got the
 Eric> right tar.gz file off of Netscape's site and put it in /tmp, and the
 Eric> installation said that it found the file, so I assumed everything's
 Eric> right.

 Eric> Problem: Typing 'netscape' yields netscape: can't load library
 Eric> 'libXpm.so.4'

Get the package xpm4.7.

However, given the amount of problems seen recently on the list about Netscape,
and matching the right debian Netscape package with the right Netscape tar
file, let me tell you how I do it for myself without netscape.deb package.

1) I have /usr/local/bin/netscape as a script:

#! /bin/sh
# netscape startup script, to get around uggly config problems

XKEYSYMDB='/usr/local/lib/netscape/XKeysymDB'; export XKEYSYMDB
XNLSPATH='/usr/local/lib/netscape/nls'; export XNLSPATH

exec /usr/local/lib/netscape/netscape $*

2) I make a directory /usr/local/lib/netscape where I put the
netscape-vxxx.tar.gz file

3) cd /usr/local/lib/netscape; tar -zxf netscape-vxxx.tar.gz

That's all... When I switch to a new version, I just have to rename
/usr/local/lib/netscape to /usr/local/lib/netscape.old (or delete it if you
have faith in Netscape...) and go back to 1).  I have done it several times,
and it works smooth! Simple enough, and you don't have to rely on debian
versions to be perfectly in sync with those Netscape bastards...

Speaking of those, you can get rid of those bloody Netscape frames forever by
just issuing this as root:

perl -i.orig -pe '              \
                s/\bnoframes\b/noFrames/g;  \
                s/\bframeset\b/frameSet/g' `which netscape`

and you'll never see a frame again! (see
http://reality.sgi.com/grafica/framefree/index.html for more infos, and 
http://swissnet.ai.mit.edu/wtr/stable-user-interface.html to be convinced why
you should do that...).

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