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Re: sortieren mit ls (was: wget -i in einzelne Dateien [full version])

On Wed, Feb 14, 2001 at 03:54:01PM +0100, Janto Trappe wrote:
> Wenn ich die Dateien aber nach der Version sortieren lasse (-v)
> funktioniert es perfekt. Danke!
> Btw: Was soll eigentlich die Version einer Datei sein, wenn es nicht
> das Datum ist?

Steht auf den Info-Seiten zu ls:

| `-v'
| `--sort=version'
|      Sort by version name and number, lowest first.  It behaves like a
|      default sort, excepted that each sequence of decimal digits is
|      treated numerically as an index/version number.  (*Note More
|      details about version sort::.)

und auf der Seite 'More details about version sort':

| The version sort takes into account the fact that file names
| frequently include indices or version numbers.  Standard sorting
| functions usually do not produce the ordering that people expect
| because comparisons are made on a character-by-character basis.  The
| version sort addresses this problem, and is especially useful when
| browsing directories that contain many files with indices/version
| numbers in their names:
|            > ls -1            > ls -1v
|            foo.zml-1.gz       foo.zml-1.gz
|            foo.zml-100.gz     foo.zml-2.gz
|            foo.zml-12.gz      foo.zml-6.gz
|            foo.zml-13.gz      foo.zml-12.gz
|            foo.zml-2.gz       foo.zml-13.gz
|            foo.zml-25.gz      foo.zml-25.gz
|            foo.zml-6.gz       foo.zml-100.gz
|    Note also that numeric parts with leading zeroes are considered as
| fractional one:
|            > ls -1            > ls -1v
|            abc-1.007.tgz      abc-1.007.tgz
|            abc-1.012b.tgz     abc-1.01a.tgz
|            abc-1.01a.tgz      abc-1.012b.tgz

marko schulz

 "Sind Comics Kunst?"    "Ist doch scheißegal!"
                        Stefan Dinters Antwort auf eine Podiumsfrage,
                        Comicsalon 1997 in Hamburg

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