[Debian]: Debian vs. FSF-Philosophie
waehrend einer Mail-diskussion mit Richard Stallman (es ging eigentlich um
ein anderes Projekt) kam die Sprache mal auf die deutsche Ausgabe von
Debian (ueber LOB bezogen), was RMS nicht gefaellt: Debian enthaelt
standardmaessig eine non-free CD - warum ist die eigentlich im normalen
Debian-Paket enthalten? Waere es nicht etwas logischer die non-free CD als
externes "Debian-kompatibles" Produkt weiterzugeben?
Debian ruehmt sich, die einzige voellig freie Distribution zu sein, die
non-free CD fuehrt diese Meinung ad absurdum.
1. Wer die non-free software haben will bezahlt auch nochmal einige
Pfennige dafuer.
2. Debian ist momentan noch so schwer zu installieren, dass es zum
groessten Teil nur erfahrenen Linuxern in die Haende fallen wird -- und
die sind nicht auf proprietaere Software angewiesen...
Hier einige Auszuege aus der Diskussion mit RMS:
from: htw6966...
>Getting involved with distribution of non-free software
>is a bad thing for you. You will be giving the users
>a bad message, the same way that SuSE does.
I don't want to take all illusions from you: Debian has a non-free CD in
the package of five: it contains for example QT and KDE (free but uses QT)
and some other copy-allowed (but sometimes not forever-running) versions
of non-free software - as far as I know all (GNU/)Linux-Distributions
contain such software more or less signed as such ...
from: rms...
I know that Debian has a separate collection of non-free software, but
they told me that this was kept outside of the Debian system per se.
If we do not send a clear message
to the user community that non-free software is a bad thing,
people will not think we NEED free software to do all these jobs.
We won't ever get to the goal, if people don't think it is a goal.
from: rms...
ok, but we can't drive a simple Desktop-Loser to use free systems if
aren't the easy-to-handle Applications he knows from Windoze.
It is true, that at present we cannot offer free software
that does the job of Windows for a non-hacker.
People are working on the necessary software to do this (GNOME).
So in a couple of years, we will start gaining popularity among
non-hackers based on free software.
I don't think it is worth obscuring our philosophical message
just to win these users a little sooner.
from: rms...
that's great, but how long will it take to get the current state of
windoze and how long to get the state it will have then?
After 15 years of working on the GNU project, I have learned
not to be in a hurry. When people are in a hurry, they head
for the place that they can get to quickly, rather than for
the right place.
from: rms...
>It sound like Debian is doing what I expected, but these
>people in Germany decided to add something that made it worse.
>This is sad.
ok, but in Germany you can't earn any money if you don't get access to
the simple losers:
Does their wish to make money excuse doing something wrong?
I don't think so.
My opinion of them is even lower than it was before.
Asche auf mein Haupt: ich muss gestehen, dass ich begeisterter KDE(*)
Nutzer bin, aber trotzdem sollte sowas vollstaendig aus einer _freien_
Distribution ausgelagert werden.
(*) abhaengig von der proprietaeren QT-Bibliothek
happy hacking,
Konrad Rosenbaum
| save the penguins | Konrad Rosenbaum, student at HTW Dresden |
| cogito ergo GNUm | (university level) and GNU/Linux fan |
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