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Re: Improvements to http://tug.org/texlive/debian.html

On 18 January 2012 23:24, Norbert Preining <preining@logic.at> wrote:
> Thanks for you suggestions, but I am too lazy to go through this changes,
> as I don't consider them in any way important.

I'm quite happy to make them myself if you like. When I say they will
advantage less experienced users, I mean, for example, users who are
experienced with LaTeX (and hence might need the latest version of a
style file) but are not so experienced with Debian. Also, more
experienced users will benefit from a simpler, shorter and
better-written page. So in fact it benefits everyone, including you
the maintainers, because users will make fewer mistakes and ask fewer

Finally, after improving the documentation for integrating TeX Live
into Debian, I want to go through the entire page once more and
improve the English in various small ways. Again, this just makes it
easier to use for all users. Even as a native English speaker, I had
to read several sentences more than once to understand them, and I can
fix that.


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