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Re: Hyphenation in TL2008

On Do, 21 Mai 2009, Frank Küster wrote:
> >   are no longer in texmf/fmtutil/format.XXX.cnf, but defined directly
> >   in the tlpdb (like with the hyphenation patterns).
> I've seen that.

No I have to add code to tpm2deb

> >   it might be that we will actually binaries all over the place. Here
>                                      ^have, right?


> You mean, we have 
> - one source package created after "mv source.tar.bz2
>   texlive-bin.orig.tar.bz2", in which we cater ourselves for the binary
>   package splitting, and ignore texlive.tlpdb. The binary packages
>   contain only executables, pool files if still present, and similar
>   things. And there wouldn't be any maintainer scripts (or would they
>   need to register triggers for format recreation?)

Yes, that is the idea. We will probably have to specify in some way
which binaries have to go into which binary packages, but that can be
done with a simple list.

> - one or more source packages created "the traditional way", using
>   texlive.tlpdb. Here the bin packages would contain all input and
>   configuration files.

Right, that is the idea.

That way we would also get rid of the format problem stuff. Because
formats would be created in the normal packages, and the binaries are
already present in any case.

The idea behind the splitting would be that everything of the form
will become a dependency on a texlive-bin-* package.

Best wishes


Dr. Norbert Preining <preining@logic.at>        Vienna University of Technology
Debian Developer <preining@debian.org>                         Debian TeX Group
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In a choice between two or more possible puddings, the one nobody
plumps for.
			--- Douglas Adams, The Meaning of Liff

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