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Re: Meta-package to replace tetex-extra

On Die, 19 Dez 2006, Florent Rougon wrote:
> > In other words, we need to urge maintainers of documentation packages
> > to add a texlive-lang-* dependency for each language they add to their
> > docs.  I think this is a disadvantage of texlive as a tool for automated
> > documentation processing, but I don't see any way out.
> Well, is there any real point not turning on most patterns by default,
> as is the case in teTeX? If not, why not do the same for TeX Live?
> Probably some texlive-lang-* packages would then become useless; they
> could be removed from the archive---I don't see it as a problem.

Hmmm, in theory possible, but I would opt NOT to just unconditionally
activate ALL hyphen patters, as there are quite a lot, and it may happen
that the TeX mem is exceeded.

If we have *only* all the texlive-lang-* patterns then it should work,
but there is already one other package littex which provides patterns
for Lithuanian, and there is always the option that new will emerge. At
the end this could easily exceed TeX pattern size. Imagine:
- texlive-lang-*
- latex-cjk-*
- littex		(up to here it works ;-)
- other than patterns for arabic, etc etc

I am for a conservative approach.

Best wishes


Dr. Norbert Preining <preining@logic.at>                    Università di Siena
Debian Developer <preining@debian.org>                         Debian TeX Group
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Corridor etiquette demands that one a corriedoo (q.v.) has been
declared, corrievorrie must be employed. Both protagonists must now
embellish their approach with an embarrassing combination of waving,
grinning, making idiot faces, doing pirate impressions, and waggling
the head from side to side while holding the other person's eyes as
the smile drips off their face, until with great relief, they pass
each other.
			--- Douglas Adams, The Meaning of Liff

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