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Re: dh_installtexfonts is ready for testing

On Sun, Oct 16, 2005 at 19:02 +0200, Florent Rougon wrote:
> Frank Küster <frank@debian.org> wrote:
> > ^[[:alpha:]] will be after ^99[[:alpha:]] (and more importantly after
> > 00updmap.cfg) when update-updmap handles them, won't it?  So having no
> > number wouldn't be a bug, right?  

That was my line of thought. If order for (Mixed)Map entries does not
matter, why bother with any 'priority'.

> > Still I think it might look "cleaner" if every file started with a
> > number, even if it doesn't matter.
> Me too. Also, this leaves you the possibility, in case that would become
> necessary (new updmap.cfg syntactic elements...), to add something that
> you are sure will come after (Map|MixedMap) declarations by font
> packages.

For me, having 10 in front of every name doesn't really make it cleaner.
But I can understand that nobody wants to change the name of config
files in released packages. Let's stick with 10 for font packages. Any
recommodations about other 'priorities'? IIRC updmap alters 99local.cfg
when called with --enable, right?


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