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Re: dh_installtexfonts is ready for testing

Hi Ralf!

On Sam, 15 Okt 2005, Ralf Stubner wrote:
> > . Should we install the map files automatically?
> >   I would say no, because we cannot guess the location and we don't know
> >   where they actually are (ok, this can be changed)
> ACK, I would leave this to the package.


> > . I do not create the directories var/lib/tex-common/fontmap-cfg and
> >   etc/texmf/updmap.d, as I don't know about the policy in dh_scripts
> >   about this, anybody knows? Probably we should generate them.
> See eg dh_installinfo. I am commiting an appropriate change.


> > . Did I miss something?
> Two minor comments:
> For using it when installing tetex-{base,extra} I think it would be
> useful if one could alter the 'priority'. In addition it would be

Well, I think we should settle for a recommendation for a priority.
ALl the texlive packages ship 50, what does tetex ship? We should come
up with a common notion how.

> interesting to have a updmap.cfg snippet as argument (comments,
> MixedMap). One could, eg, treat all map files in @ARGV as you do it

I thought about something like $package.maps containing
	Map	foo.map
	MixedMap	bar.map
	Map	baz.map
etc and on the cmd line you can do the same
	dh_installtexfonts Map foo.map MixedMap bar.map ...
this can be handled and the code easily copied by hand from dh_link I

> right now but include $package.maps literally into the .cfg file.

Also possible

> For example dh_installdefoma(1) contains:
>      Note  that this  command  is not  idempotent. "dh_clean  -k"
>      should  be  called  between  invocations  of  this  command.
>      Otherwise, it may cause  multiple instances of the same text
>      to be added to maintainer scripts.
> Did you check dh_installtexfonts with respect to this?

Aehhh, no idea. No I didn't. I guess it is like all the other
dh_* scripts adding stuff to the postinst and postrm scripts.

> Back to rewriting mk-tex-fontpack ...

Well, this won't work for others, as this is not in debian ;-) I have no
idea how such things could be added. I think all the dh_scripts are
directly included in debhelper package. I could imagine creating a deb
package debhelper-texfonts which we could depend on and which ships only
these three files. DD on the list, any comment to this?

Best wishes


Dr. Norbert Preining <preining AT logic DOT at>             Università di Siena
sip:preining@at43.tuwien.ac.at                             +43 (0) 59966-690018
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